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[quote=Nathy]Et puisque visiblement tu es francophone (ou du moins tu comprends le français), je me permets de te répondre en français : pour l'erreur irlandaise/écossaise, c'est corrigé, faute d'inattention. Pour le reste, comme l'a dit Agathe, nous traduisons pour permettre à ceux qui n'ont pas la chance de pouvoir comprendre le "pure English" comme tu dis, puisque nous sommes sur un site francophone. Si tu repères d'autres fautes, merci de nous en faire part :)[/quote]
Ok, sorry ,I didn't want to annoy you. As I posted a few hours ago, Placebo City is the best Placebo French site, thanks to you. I used to go to XS of Placebo which was really good, but: Game Over a few years ago. As for English it's really a shame that French people are very reluctant as in so many countries people speak and read English and other foreign languages fluently. Anyway I think that most Placebo fans make an effort to understand the lyrics and feel how clever, poetical,deep and sublime Brian's words are. …
[quote=Agathe_Zeblues][quote]Just wanted to say that Placebo is supposed to be a British band, let's try to read or hear in pure English instead of a so so translantion,[/quote]
I guess that for those who don't speak English, even a so-so translation is better than nothing :)[/quote]
I agree " a so so translation is better than nothing" but a good translation is better. As you post in English I think you understand, don't you?
[quote=Nathy]If you've got a better one, feel free to share.[/quote]
Why not but I wouldn't dare. First, Brian's mom is from Scotland, not Irish. There are other mistakes but not to make an earthquake or the end of the world which is not the point. Just wanted to say that Placebo is supposed to be a British band, let's try to read or hear in pure English instead of a so so translantion, coz I've read a few coms that misunderstand some messages and then we've got stupid reactions. Anyway, I agree I'm not here to educate French people about English as we've got a very good teacher named Brian Molko who can speak several languages very fluently and who's really good at French. Well, you know? It's good to have a really good Placebo French site and Placebo.City is. So forgive me if I've annoyed you, I didn't want to. I suppose you wished MolkoFourOh. So let's celebrate his 40th birthday and the honour he received this month. Merry Xmas. LOve
[quote=withoutyou]Brian va recevoir un titre honorifique de son ancienne université (London’s Goldsmiths University) aujourd'hui à 12h heure française.
Cette cérémonie sera diffusée en direct à cette adresse : :reply: [b][url][/url][/b]
Brian a dit à propos de cette récompense : "Je suis extrêmement heureux de recevoir un titre honorifique de l'université Goldsmiths. J'ai de très bons souvenirs de mes années passées là-bas, cela m'a aidé à façonner l'artiste que je suis aujourd'hui. Je suis particulièrement reconnaissant pour la liberté de prendre des risques encouragée par l'équipe et pour l'ambition qu'ils ont nourri en nous - peu importe que cela apparaissait sans gêne ou excentrique." :reply: [b][url=]Source[/url][/b]
[size=5][i](merci à [b]vieille molkette!!![/b] pour ce dernier lien)[/i][/size]
[video][/vid …
Great!!!! Do we have a chance to see it somewhere?
Great ! A very cute and young boy!!!!! Bri and Sef will make for sure a great new album with such a guy. Hope this new Steve will inspire them but I'm sure Brian and Stef have already written gorgeous tracks together before having Forrest with Placebo.
Cute boy!!!!
How sweet Brian is! Keeping his own project for Placebo. Good boy! Placebo will never die, thanks to Bri.
So sad. Stef being gay, Brian being bi, where's the straight one? The balance's broken. What a mess!!!!! Hope Steve'll get back or I and all Placebo fans will kick his cute ass. Sure it'll hurt. But he deserves it, doesn't he?
No, No No. Placebo without Steve is nothing.
[quote=placebomolko][quote=penny]Well Just seen Placebo on MYSpace but too late. I've seen from Nancy Boy till The Bitter end only 4 songs (Nancy Boy, Special K, Taste in Men and The Bitter End). A great gig with a cute long haired little Bri sweating in his smart white shirt with a sweaty Steve behind hid drums and an unshaved Stef. A very sexy performance. Thanks. Hope to get the whole gig soon. Hope someone was luckier and saw the all set. BYe .Feeling in Heaven[/quote]
dammmn, they played nancy boy???
oooh I didnt see it, shiiit!!!!
why was I too late??? *crying* lol[/quote]
They did sang Nancy Boy which was gorgeous and Brian was looking at Stef with "a I don't know what eye " but sure that was sex. So Great . Bri sweating in his virgin white shirt and Stef looking so manly unshaved... MY HO MY. I missed the begining of the gig . I'm so hopeless sometimes. Bye.
Well Just seen Placebo on MYSpace but too late. I've seen from Nancy Boy till The Bitter end only 4 songs (Nancy Boy, Special K, Taste in Men and The Bitter End). A great gig with a cute long haired little Bri sweating in his smart white shirt with a sweaty Steve behind hid drums and an unshaved Stef. A very sexy performance. Thanks. Hope to get the whole gig soon. Hope someone was luckier and saw the all set. BYe .Feeling in Heaven
Cool .Tkanks and let's hope it works. Sure It's gonna be a great gig but will we have the opportunity so see it. Let's cross our fingers and wait and watch and hear....... feeling excited and anxious.But........ I'm hopless with technology and I can't get through MYspace to see where I'll be able to see whatever. Whoever can help me I'll be greatfull.Thanks.
[quote=Nathy]Pour tous ceux qui ne peuvent pas assister au Projekt Revolution Tour, le concert de Placebo sera diffusé en direct sur Myspace, lors de leur passage au Detroit DTE Music Centre le mercredi 22 août.
Il sera disponible dans le monde entier à 05 PM (EST). Cela correspond à 00 AM, le jeudi 23 août, en Europe occidentale.
[i]Source :[/i]
[b][url=]:reply: Myspace de Placebo[/url][/b]
[b][url=]:reply: Voir Placebo en direct[/url][/b][/quote]
cool let's enjoy
Cool. Thanks a lot.
cool !!!! We just have to wait and....... see. LOve
[quote=Nad][color=#DC1663][b]Placebo[/b][/color] continue ses efforts pour conquérir les Etats Unis. Ils seront ce [u][b]mardi 23 janvier à 17h00 heure locale[/b][/u] pour une interview exclusive sur la chaine californienne[b] Music Plus TV[/b].
L'émission sera diffusée en streaming sur le net le [b]mercredi 24 janvier à 02h00 heure française[/b].
:reply: [url=]Pour visionner l'interview en direct, cliquez ici[/url] [i] Il faut s'enregistrer pour avoir accès aux vidéos[/i].
La diffusion étant très tardive, nous ne savons pas si la vidéo restera en ligne après diffusion. Cependant, [color=green][b]Cotorep[/b][/color] s'est gentiment proposé de nous faire l'enregistrement de l'interview.
[size=7]Merci à Khuete pour l'info.[/size]
Great! Just waiting for it. Thanks.
Just heard it. Thanks. Bri has really nothing to do with it and he's right. Who's that DJ ? Just shit with stupid questions. What the hell has Brian had to do with him? Better enjoy his steak Tartare.!!!! with I suppose a delicious French wine. Any way Brian's such a good fellow, he wasn't rude but he could have been. I would. Thanks and love.
great thanks
Excuse me that's not the point, but why can't I download anything for a few days as I'm registred?
've just seen Placebo in Germany. What a great great concert ! Just like in France. Love.
Great !!!!!!!!thanks !!!!!usually acoustic sessions are the best ....... pure....spontanous ...... and so sexy when it's PLACEBO;;;; See you
Great!!!! that's one of my favourite. By the way have you seen little Cody Molko with his father Brian on Sucker Love. Have a look . Lovely baby and happy father!!!!!!
Thanks a lot . I heard the concert yesterday ....had to wait untill 11.15 P.M. but thanks God they were there ! Gorgeous private concert. specially " Space Monkey " and a very sexy " Running up that hill" A bit disappointed by the public . Don't you think they weren't warm enough? Sure that's why Brian didn't say a word to thank the audience. How stupid those English people can be ? They don't know how lucky they are to have such a good rock band. Sure that's why Placebo are so fond of their French fans and how much we support and love them. See them back to France and let's show them how we do love them and how we do want them too............. Love and thanks Placebo city.
Thanks a lot I couldn't get through OuiFM but here you are at last Thanks again What a concert ! what sound ! what a voice! what beautiful blue eyes! ( I suppose) I'm not used to be a Molkette but now I feel like one, specially listening to" Running up that hill" Looking forward to seeing them live soon. Thanks again. Love
Désolée , j'aimerais bien voir ce superbe site mais je ne peux pas le faire dérouler c'est bloqué Que cse passe-t-il? Quelqu'un peut il m'aider? merci.
cool and thanks:lol:
Merci pour la video. C'est sympa. Je peux la voir presque parfaitemment avec nero. Est ce normal qu'il n'y est que The bitter end et pas A song to say goodbye? En tout cas très belle prestation et ....quels beaux yeux!!!!
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