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Actualités (News) » Votez pour Placebo aux MTV Europe Music Awards ! » 20-12-2009 13:48:57

Replies: 187

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Dear Placebo fans! Clip of our favorite band "Ashtray heart" is nominated for Best Music Video of the Year on MTV-Russia. Please help Russian fans to vote here:

Vote is unlimited. We need your help! Many fans of other bands are configured to us more than hostile, they're voting for the clip of Michael Jackson, so that we could not win! :pleure:

Some Russian fans were sitting next to their machines for a week, and they're still doing it now without sleep or work. It's true!! :ok: !)) We moved Ashtray Heart to the 2nd position from 21st... But there are too many fans of Michael Jackson, not going to give up.
We WILL win anyway, but it would be really great if you helped us with that so we could sleep for a while
We need your help! :respect:

Forever yours, soulmates)) :rock:

P.S. please replace this message in new topic, I not founded this function :/ Don't delete please!!!

P. P.S. sorry for my English)) :chees …

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