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Actualités (News) » Tous en ligne pour écouter Placebo sur Radio 1 » 01-08-2006 01:04:09

Replies: 38

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in that file there aren't 2 songs: one of a kind and because i want you. Placebo played them first.

Présentation des nouveaux membres » Here I am! » 29-07-2006 18:08:12

Replies: 11

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Hello! I'm an italian fan. I'm here cause i've found the audio file of the concert of the 25th. A big concert, though it was in a little square. Anyway Placebo is a group of my favourite. I also love Bjork, Radiohead, Muse, Green Day, Tori Amos, Massive Attack, Sigur Ros and Portishead.
My name is Livio and I'm from southern Italy. I also like playing the guitar (acoustic), surfing the net and going out with friends. I don't know a words in French, so i'm writing in English. I hope i'll be good here. See ya!

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