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Actualités (News) » Participez à la Placebo Street Team ! » 18-10-2009 00:51:07

Hi guys, me again.

I'm looking for enthusiastic and perhaps slightly crazy people to help me team at ALL of the Europe shows, especially the French shows since they're up first.
Please email me at with the VENUE and DATE in the subject header to let me know if you'd like to try out some street teaming.

It won't effect you being able to watch the show at all, you're not expected to miss any of it or go in last or anything, and will give you something to do instead of just hours of queueing :^^:

Especially urgently need people for Dijon and Strasbourg!

Actualités (News) » Votez pour Placebo aux MTV Europe Music Awards ! » 27-09-2009 23:11:49

Your "automatic vote" tip works well :D thanks.
Since I'm gonna be away a lot why not use it[/quote]
Your "automatic vote" tip works well :D thanks.
Since I'm gonna be away a lot why not use it[/quote]
En espérant que chez les autres groupes ils fassent pas pareil :transpi:[/quote]
You're welcome! It is great isn't it, voting whilst sleeping :p

[quote=Nathy][quote=Sarah@PlaceboTeam]^^It's not about the band doubting the quality of their work, its marketing - that's my job, and its something every band has to do.

Put simply, every band has a certain turnover of fans. You [i]must [/i] promote to gain new fans, not just to build a bigger fanbase, but also to replace the lost fans. If there is no promotion, there is no money, and no money = no music. Shitty, but true.

Since this album is self funded there is no label to pay for a big advertising campaign (like Muse with TV adverts), so we rely on smaller promotion, and what i …

Actualités (News) » Votez pour Placebo aux MTV Europe Music Awards ! » 26-09-2009 23:33:17

^^It's not about the band doubting the quality of their work, its marketing - that's my job, and its something every band has to do.

Put simply, every band has a certain turnover of fans. You [i]must [/i] promote to gain new fans, not just to build a bigger fanbase, but also to replace the lost fans. If there is no promotion, there is no money, and no money = no music. Shitty, but true.

Since this album is self funded there is no label to pay for a big advertising campaign (like Muse with TV adverts), so we rely on smaller promotion, and what i feel is a bands biggest asset - the fans. We can't get the 'resistant people' i.e new fans, without the help of the existing and loyal fans.

The Street Team are happily multi-voting for Placebo to win this EMA not only because they feel like they deserve it (and since every other bands fans will multi-vote they must too) but because they understand that it is the kind of exposure that could introduce hundreds if not thousands of new people to …

Actualités (News) » Votez pour Placebo aux MTV Europe Music Awards ! » 26-09-2009 20:30:57

No, i don't think its insulting to let the fans help promote the band, nor reward them for their hard work. The fans have been spreading the word of Placebo for a long time, and it's about time they got something in return. Giving away free tickets or gifts isn't bribery, its a sign of gratitude and thanks.
One of the biggest complaints i was hearing from the fans was 'we never get a thank you, we're not appreciated', so i made sure this time around any time we ask the fans to do something, they're going to get something back.

Actualités (News) » Votez pour Placebo aux MTV Europe Music Awards ! » 26-09-2009 18:29:38

It can get boring, but i will come back occasionally to poke you all as a reminder :p And i think it's worth it for rewards - the street team get thank you's ranging from badges and wristbands, to free tickets ... and for the happy fuzzy feeling you get knowing that you're helping the band.

Last year the EMA's received over 1 billion votes in total ... so it really is important that we all keep voting to make sure we get the band a win :^^:
Edit: and i forgot to mention the site had 15 million visits a day! Even if you're not voting, thats great possible exposure for the band!

Actualités (News) » Votez pour Placebo aux MTV Europe Music Awards ! » 26-09-2009 17:52:30

I can't be certain ... but i have faith in Placebo fans - and i'll only be sending things to those that post regularly to report what they're doing right up until the close of voting. I don't think anyone could be bothered to keep lying for the next month just for a few tiny freebies.

Actualités (News) » Votez pour Placebo aux MTV Europe Music Awards ! » 26-09-2009 16:47:00

Thank you all for voting! I will be sending a few little items out to fans that keep voting everyday, so do please keep it up and i'll check back to see who's doing what!

[size=2](Some very clever fans at PFWW have also figured out a way to automatically mulit-vote ... PM me if you would like the details ;) )[/size]

Actualités (News) » Votez pour Placebo aux MTV Europe Music Awards ! » 21-09-2009 22:35:58

Thank you all for voting, the band really appreciate it!

(and there is nothing wrong with voting more than once ;) )

Actualités (News) » The Never-Ending Why, 2ème single du groupe dans les bacs » 15-09-2009 23:15:43

Sorry for the English post, but we're currently running a Placebo Street Team mission to help everyone outside of the UK get the NEW singles, BUT also helping the band get into the UK singles charts, which would really mean alot to them.

If you'd like to help out, just PM me here for details.

Actualités (News) » Ashtray Heart sera le 2ème single ! » 12-08-2009 20:42:21

Sorry for posting in English, but i just wanted to let you guys know that if you want to buy NEW (outside of the UK) i'm heading up an exchange where willing UK fans will buy + send you the single, and you can take part in a very secret street team mission to get the guys back into the UK charts at the same time, which would mean alot to the band :^^:

If you'd like more info feel free to PM me, and i can direct you to the on-going discussions.


Actualités (News) » Participez à la Placebo Street Team ! » 07-07-2009 00:08:20

^Please send again, just be sure :) if it is for the French shows at the end of the year you may not get a reply right away, since i'm in the middle of organising the closest ones right now ... but don't worry, i will get to you at some point!!!

Actualités (News) » Votez pour Placebo au Kerrang Awards ! » 06-07-2009 23:39:28

[size=15]Please don't forget you need to keep voting to make sure the guys win!!! [/size]

The previous voting was just to get them into the nominations - now you must vote to make sure they win!!!

As always, there is an easy route for those that want to *cough* [size=3]cheat [/size]*cough* :siffle:

--> install + then restart FF
--> go to:
--> open macros side bar menu by clicking the icon next to your address bar
--> there are 3 tabs in the side bar, click the middle one
--> click the record button, this will now record all of your actions, so make sure you have any other tabs close and don't do anything except the following
--> vote for Placebo as best single
--> on the next page click continue
--> now click best album
--> vote for Placebo as best album
--> click continue
--> click best video
--> vote for Placebo
--> click continue
--> Now click the save button + save as kerrang awards …

Actualités (News) » Participez à la Placebo Street Team ! » 06-07-2009 23:30:28

Hello guys, sorry i haven't been here to answer your questions but i have been out on the road with next to no wifi!

Unfortunately i didn't have time to organise extra teamers for Werchter and Arras but i was there in person handing out stickers, badges and posters - so i hope i met some of you?! Did any of you see me walking around the festival handing stuff out, or on the barrier in front of the stage?
If you did, feedback would be good. We need to know if you guys like the free stuff! They are just small gifts from the band to say thank you for coming and supporting them :)

I will be organising teaming for more shows, and i'll be there in person at lots of them too, so bear with me - it's super busy in Placebo land right now!
Oh and any questions, you can email me:

Actualités (News) » Votez pour Placebo au Kerrang Awards ! » 10-06-2009 23:51:46

My French is awful, but i think some people have asked about the voting counts being so low for some categories?

Typing 'Battle for the sun' or 'Battle for the sun, Placebo' will cast different votes. Hopefully they'll all be added together at the end, but just in case they're not, we're asking everyone to type the exact same thing when voting:

* Best Live Band - [b]PLACEBO[/b]
* Best Single - [b]For what it's worth, Placebo[/b]
* Best Album - [b]Battle for the sun, Placebo[/b]
* Best British Band - [b]Placebo[/b]
* Best International Band - [b]Placebo[/b]
* Best Video -[b] For what it's worth, Placebo[/b]

If anyone else has a question, feel free to ask and i'll do my best to answer - and hopefully one of the lovely mods here will translate for me, since i'm one of those annoying ignorant English people who can't speak another language properly :p

Actualités (News) » Participez à la Placebo Street Team ! » 31-05-2009 20:54:57

Hi guys, there have been ALOT of emails to the street team, i'm going through them but its not a fast process - you will get an email at some point! At the moment i'm co-ordinating the team for Cirque Royal, so people teaming there will be emailed first!

In terms of what you'd actually be doing, well that all depends on the actual show itself. A big festival will differ from a small gig, but mainly it involves handing out free gifts from the band such as badges and stickers, putting up posters, taking photo's of other fans, talking to fans and collecting info.
Teaming doesn't mean you'll miss the show, most of the stuff can be done before the band come on stage or before doors open.

In return you get to keep some of the freebies, and the most hard-working people will be rewarded with even better stuff. Oh and the teaming isn't just at the shows, online teaming is just as important!

I hope that's cleared some stuff up! And sorry for posting in English, but my French is awful so i tho …

Actualités (News) » Placebo au Cirque Royal de Bruxelles (02 juin 2009) » 31-05-2009 18:44:16

Hi guys, if anyone going to this gig is interested in street teaming at it, please email me:


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