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Présentation des nouveaux membres » merci, placebocity » 28-05-2006 15:28:25

[quote=eugenate]Welcome [b]Special_K_ATE[/b] :) , you can find an english section [url=]HERE[/url] with news and threads all in english if you want to meet people who speak english (some of them are french fans) ;) .[/quote]
i`ll check

[b]placebo never die [/b]
thx, but my french is really awful, otherwise i wouldn`t get a bad mark at my exam :rolleyes:

[b]nonoplacebo [/b]
ok i`ll note it ^(^

honestly to say i am everywherre :D
on, on (which is similar to , on,,, placebocommunity, ETC . *_________________*

cheers :biere:

Présentation des nouveaux membres » merci, placebocity » 27-05-2006 23:54:40

Sorry, i`ll write in English, cus i have been studying french for 3 months by now, and i can say only.
[b]Je suis Russe , Je m`appelle Kate :lol: JE suis une femme :D
J` habite est 21 ans. j`aime placebo (and not only ) music. [/b]

and i probably made lots of mistakes .
i knew about ur forum from and as french ppl are the biggest placebo fans , i`m happy to be here.
i`ve been placebo fan for 6 years already ^_____________^

my myspace with photos and everything *_* page

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