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Actualités (News) » Placebo en live sur Myspace le 22 août » 24-08-2007 05:38:27

i have not seen the video yet, but have listened the audio... it's a great concert in a long time... a long time ago i don't had listened a good concert, whit a nice sound...

meds version is fuckin' great, but the bass damn this song, it had problems with its connection... cable... or input of amp... or bass electronics... at all... XD

EMAEY is the best version i ever listened, between 2004 - 2007, brian at the end does a strange solo... i remembered a song of a punk/metal song that's the same...

please: i want a new disc with acid/rocker style, like BMM... oooo !!!!!!

auf wieddersehen

Présentation des nouveaux membres » new member =) » 10-02-2007 00:37:36

thank you for answer this topic, i think i'll enjoy this space.

add me to your MSN contacts list

see you next time.


Présentation des nouveaux membres » new member =) » 09-02-2007 03:58:00

[font=Courier]hi, guys

excusse me but i don't speak french, so i'll speak you in english

i am Alexei Zaitsev, from Chile, Southamerica.
a friend gave me the link to this forum

well, my e-mail address is the_russian_sniper at hotmail dt com, if you want add me to your msn contacts list.

see you next time


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