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Présentation des nouveaux membres » enfin membre ! » 29-08-2017 12:50:42

If Dodgeball made it amusing for grown men to peg each other with rubber balls and Bull Durham revealed how hot it could be for a guy to paint a lady's toenails, the new film Balls of Fury just could make it cool to get Ping-Pong gamers to come from their [b][url=]best ping pong paddles[/url][/b].

Table tennis - Ping-Pong is a fresh name - hasn't been a popular Canadian pastime. Its detractors perceive it because the sport you play in high school if not one of your friends includes a pool table, its abilities useful only when rounds of Beer Pong require an ability to bounce small balls into large pints.

But table tennis is also one of the most well-known games in the world, an Olympic game defended by passionate players around the world who say it deserves greater attention and respect. "It is coming back," stated Tony Kiesenhofer, director-general of Table Tennis Canada. "But it's a steep hill to climb"

Mr. Kiesenhofer hopes that the sport's credibilit …

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