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..This Is The Only Place.....For Placebo.Fans

Drapeau stefler Homme
Protect me from what I post
Lieu: Allemagne
Anniversaire: 12 mars 1975
Date d'inscription: 24-12-2006
Messages: 1682

#1 08-02-2007 21:35:44

..This Is The Only Place.....For Placebo.Fans

...I am now a few weeks at and I must say it's the best Fansite on the net!!

...A Big THX to all of you here and your work !!! Especially the DL-Section is so Amazing!! ThanK you So Much again and again... cool

...Hold your breath and start

...PLACEBO ROCKS FOREVER!!!! tummenupp  siffle  ecouteurs  biere  plus_un

Every day is exactly the same.

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Maylis Femme
Dr Modératrice
Lieu: Entre Camden & Brick Lane
Anniversaire: (Information inconnue)
Date d'inscription: 15-04-2006
Messages: 5487

#2 08-02-2007 21:37:26

Re: ..This Is The Only Place.....For Placebo.Fans

You are right.
Welcome  biere  biere


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JinJin Femme
Without posts I'm nothing
Anniversaire: 10 décembre 1988
Date d'inscription: 12-11-2006
Messages: 6111

#3 09-02-2007 09:50:51

Re: ..This Is The Only Place.....For Placebo.Fans

and welcome too copain

Hors ligne

sansha Femme
Harder, Faster, Forever Posteur
Lieu: In its eyes
Anniversaire: 21 novembre
Date d'inscription: 30-09-2006
Messages: 2595

#4 09-02-2007 10:01:31

Re: ..This Is The Only Place.....For Placebo.Fans

Welcome stefler  biere

Qui suis je? Ou vais je? Dans quel état j'ère?

SEP ... mais la vie est belle, enfin presque

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Drapeau Nayno-Fil Femme
Lady of the Posts
Lieu: Zaragoza
Anniversaire: 01 mars 1991
Date d'inscription: 14-01-2006
Messages: 11465

#5 09-02-2007 17:17:50

Re: ..This Is The Only Place.....For Placebo.Fans

Welcome. big_smile

Lalalalalalalala_lie_lie_lie                                        OH BRI coeur

                  Brian : " Ransom?! But nobody will be able to pay for me ! I'm priceless !!! yikes "

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Drapeau Désillusion Femme
And now my posts don't touch the ground
Lieu: Avignon
Anniversaire: 09 décembre 1991
Date d'inscription: 10-03-2006
Messages: 7115
Site web

#6 09-02-2007 19:11:29

Re: ..This Is The Only Place.....For Placebo.Fans

Welcome smile .

¤ Oups, je crois que je hais le monde entier ¤

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Drapeau SerialGirl Femme
Battle for the Posts
Lieu: Paris
Anniversaire: 01 février 1986
Date d'inscription: 04-10-2006
Messages: 689

#7 09-02-2007 20:17:19

Re: ..This Is The Only Place.....For Placebo.Fans

stefler a écrit:

...I am now a few weeks at and I must say it's the best Fansite on the net!!

...A Big THX to all of you here and your work !!! Especially the DL-Section is so Amazing!! ThanK you So Much again and again... cool

...Hold your breath and start

...PLACEBO ROCKS FOREVER!!!! tummenupp  siffle  ecouteurs  biere  plus_un

Bah c'est le Maire qui va être content  big_smile
welcome !

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Drapeau Kaelig Homme
Papy fait de la Résistance
Lieu: Kirkland, Washington
Anniversaire: 24 septembre 1985
Date d'inscription: 15-06-2005
Messages: 5335
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#8 09-02-2007 20:23:37

Re: ..This Is The Only Place.....For Placebo.Fans

stefler a écrit:

...I am now a few weeks at and I must say it's the best Fansite on the net!!

...A Big THX to all of you here and your work !!! Especially the DL-Section is so Amazing!! ThanK you So Much again and again... cool

...Hold your breath and start

...PLACEBO ROCKS FOREVER!!!! tummenupp  siffle  ecouteurs  biere  plus_un

Welcome to Placebo City wink

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