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Waste of Skin
Taste in post
Anniversaire: (Information inconnue)
Date d'inscription: 13-06-2006
Messages: 102

#1 12-07-2006 16:02:17


Hello everyone! My name's Paola, I'm 18, I live in the North of Italy and I love your web-site!
I do apologize for not speaking French, I'm terribly SORRY!!! pleure  So please forgive me if I'm not writing in French... I feel embarassed about it, but unfortunately I have forgotten almost everything I had learnt... that's a real pity for me because I do love your language, it's extremely sweet and elegant. It's not that I can't understand anything in French, but I can't say I know French. I apologize one more time.
Then I love listening to Brian speaking French, he's really tender timide . The only negative thing is that I can't get the meaning of all the stuff he says, which is kind of sad. Maybe you guys can help me wink

Anyway even if the language is different, we all love Placebo very much and that's what matters. I think Brian is a living genius, he's unique. I love what he writes because it's sheer poetry in my opinion. He can express feelings in a very special way, just like anyone else, I'd say... Well, there would be loads of things to say, but I guess I'm writing too much, so goodbye for now.

A lot of kiss, and SORRY again.
Waste of Skin

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Drapeau alix Femme
Battle for the Posts
Lieu: vérone
Anniversaire: 12 septembre 1986
Date d'inscription: 29-06-2006
Messages: 625
Site web

#2 12-07-2006 16:21:33


ciao waste of skin, benvenuta! che bello, siamo tantissimi fan italiani...
no problem for your french, i think a lot of people here can understaind english...
so, welcome and enjoy this city rock
bienvenue dans city

Close My Eyes, Hold Me Tight And Bury Me Deep Inside Your Heart

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Drapeau Ernestine Femme
And now my posts don't touch the ground
Lieu: teetotal land
Anniversaire: 22 avril
Date d'inscription: 07-03-2006
Messages: 7255

#3 12-07-2006 16:40:21


Hello Paola !! Be welcomed !!!

Don't worry about writing in english.... And if you want to, you can introduce yourself in the english section as well (here) ; and then meet all the english speakers there  bisou

Dernière modification par tinymissbetty (12-07-2006 16:40:45)

quod me nutrit me destruit

Ils disent qu'ils ont compris / Qu'il n'y a plus le choix / Alors soyons désinvoltes / N'ayons l'air de rien

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Drapeau Girl in plasticine Femme
Protect me from what I post
Lieu: Paris
Anniversaire: 01 juin 1989
Date d'inscription: 08-05-2006
Messages: 1055
Site web

#4 12-07-2006 16:44:15


Welcome !!! wink

-|- 3/10/06 Concert de PLACEBO a Bercy et j'y serais...TROP BIEN j'ai hate d'y être !! -|-
*°:: My Blog ::°*
Brian Coco  a prononcé avec l'accent !! 
38 Points, donc je ne suis pas une c'est bien au dessus pas comme certaines
je pars je reviendrais jamais...

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Waste of Skin
Taste in post
Anniversaire: (Information inconnue)
Date d'inscription: 13-06-2006
Messages: 102

#5 12-07-2006 17:13:53


Merci beaucoup to all of you! You're all very friendly. Thanks a lot, I'm feeling very welcommed. smile
@Tinymissbetty: thanks! I'm gonna introduce myself there in a nanosecond!

Hugs and kisses

Dernière modification par Waste of Skin (12-07-2006 17:16:24)

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Drapeau Désillusion Femme
And now my posts don't touch the ground
Lieu: Avignon
Anniversaire: 09 décembre 1991
Date d'inscription: 10-03-2006
Messages: 7115
Site web

#6 12-07-2006 17:17:48


Welcome here smile .
It's not a problem if you don't speak french^^. Try to speak english with the placebiens.
(Excuse me for my english tongue )

¤ Oups, je crois que je hais le monde entier ¤

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Drapeau Mali Entre les deux ;)
Battle for the Posts
Lieu: Genève
Anniversaire: 27 août 1974
Date d'inscription: 06-06-2006
Messages: 579
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#7 12-07-2006 17:23:30


Benvenuto a te biere and don't worry for your french wink. I like what you said about the way Brian's write

Waste of Skin a écrit:

He can express feelings in a very special way, just like anyone else...

because I think the same as you big_smile. Si vediamo, ciao, tanti bacci.

Dernière modification par Mali (12-07-2006 17:24:08)

Don't forget to be the way you are
Don't follow leaders
Don't dream your life, but live your dreams
And remember... soulmates never die ^^ !

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Drapeau ashtray_princess Femme
And now my posts don't touch the ground
Lieu: Ailleurs...
Anniversaire: 05 août
Date d'inscription: 16-02-2006
Messages: 7555

#8 12-07-2006 17:28:54


Hello you ! Hope you'll find friends with whom you can speak !

' Une Nouille sans barrière, c'est comme un Kiri sans bâton. ' big_smile

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Broken-Flower Femme
Battle for the Posts
Lieu: Montpellier
Anniversaire: 12 février
Date d'inscription: 11-05-2006
Messages: 585

#9 12-07-2006 18:47:31


Welcome !  big_smile

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morehewitt Femme
Harder, Faster, Forever Posteur
Lieu: very confused
Anniversaire: (Information inconnue)
Date d'inscription: 12-01-2006
Messages: 2573

#10 12-07-2006 19:07:37


Welcome Paola, you're right our language is sweet and elegant !  big_smile  Enjoy this forum !!  biere

"Kicking the shit out the drum kit !!! "

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Drapeau Postichette Femme
Protect me from what I post
Lieu: Love, Love, Love
Anniversaire: 21 novembre 1981
Date d'inscription: 21-06-2006
Messages: 1110

#11 12-07-2006 22:02:08


Welcome smile

"Notice sur Pattes" _ merci Silverrrr wink

Click, Click, Click.........

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Drapeau rocketteee Femme
Harder, Faster, Forever Posteur
Lieu: 66
Anniversaire: 01 août
Date d'inscription: 15-06-2005
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#12 13-07-2006 07:50:24


Welcome  big_smile
It's not a problem, we speak english too  wink

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Drapeau Elvine Femme
Fille d'Elvis Presley !!
Lieu: Belfort (90)
Anniversaire: 23 janvier 1988
Date d'inscription: 15-06-2005
Messages: 3553

#13 13-07-2006 12:37:13


Welcome Paola big_smile
Enjoy in this forum wink

Harder, Faster, Forever After....

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Drapeau tite placebienne Femme
Harder, Faster, Forever Posteur
Lieu: Paris, Edinburgh
Anniversaire: 02 mai
Date d'inscription: 15-06-2005
Messages: 2431
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#14 13-07-2006 12:46:36


Have a great time here  wink

. Scottish Glandue .
Betting on the bull in the heather.
Wellcome to my place...

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sisina Femme
Sci-fi Posteur
Lieu: Bourges
Anniversaire: 03 décembre 1979
Date d'inscription: 23-05-2006
Messages: 5440

#15 13-07-2006 16:44:03


Welcome  biere

You know I dreamed about you.
I missed you for twenty-nine years.

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Drapeau flomolko74 Femme
Protect me from what I post
Lieu: Lyon
Anniversaire: 24 octobre 1980
Date d'inscription: 13-04-2006
Messages: 1124

#16 13-07-2006 17:20:23



out of the womb and into the void

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Drapeau black market girl Femme
Posting in the Details
Lieu: Aix-en-Pce
Anniversaire: (Information inconnue)
Date d'inscription: 01-07-2006
Messages: 346

#17 14-07-2006 17:44:10


Wilkommen ! ! maybe you speak german so... why not ? no much english kills english...saint

Angefangen hat alles damit, daß der Ich-Erzähler Gelbsucht bekam, und am Nachhauseweg von der Schule in einen Hausdurchgang kotzte. Eine Frau hilft ihm beim Beseitigen der Kotze. Als er wieder halbwegs auf dem Damm ist, drängt seine Mutter ihn, sich bei der Frau zu bedanken, die ihm damals geholfen hatte. ^^

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Drapeau Ava Adore Femme
English Posteur Rain
Lieu: Who gives a fuck?
Anniversaire: 21 juin 1985
Date d'inscription: 05-07-2006
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