Du nouveau!!!!

Voici des extraits en anglais d'un article paru en Allemegne

"Producer Dimitri Tikovoi and German music journalist, Peter Flore, had a listening session in Cologne. If translations are correct, according to the article (intro.de) Placebo’s first single from the forthcoming [still untitled album] will be ‘Song To Say Goodbye’
Thanks to Belial for an English summary; here’s a condensed version:
♥ Track #1 - Begins with a lo-fi acoustic guitar and Brian’s well known voice. It would be a typical up-tempo Placebo song if it weren’t for Alison’s (V.V, from the Kills) voice whispering, “Baby, did you forget?” [According to Kerrang! this must therefore be ‘Meds’]
♥ Track #2 - More electronic, with dark and dirty beats, but there’s also a rock guitar. Brian sings “Someone call an ambulance, there’s gonna be an accident”
♥ Track #3 - Your typical Placebo indie rock track. The journalist says it’s not overly impressive.
♥ Track #4 - Apparently [can’t be sure!!] this track will be Placebo’s first single from their Fifth Album! It is entitled, ‘Song To Say Goodbye’, and lyrically involves Brian writing a letter to himself in which he says, “You’re one of God’s mistakes, you crying tragic waste of skin…” and goes on to talk about “needle and the damage done”. Musically it’s mostly piano, with some sort of bells. The journalist seems very impressed, saying it was “a strong track”.
♥ Track #5 - A slow song, with a lot of noise at the end and Brian calls, “Follow the cops back home and rob their houses”.
♥ Track #6 - Very techno-like with some rock influence. [Possibly ‘Space Monkey’??]
♥ Track #7 - ‘Pierrot the Clown’, a rumbling beat with a xylophone, very sad and melancholic “If you ever come around, the city or the suburbs of this town, I’ll be wallowing in sadness, wearing a frown, like Pierrot the Clown.”
♥ Track #8 - Another dark electronic rock track.
♥ Track #9- A dark waltz of sorts, Brian’s voice seems very low in this one, telling us about a hungover morning after “In the cold light of morning, when the party gets boring, you’re high”. [could be reminiscent of those live tracks from 2005!! ♥]"
J'"ai hate!!!!!!!
Somethin’ filled up, my heart with nothin’, someone told me not to cry. But now that I’m older,my heart’s colder,
and I can see that it’s a lie.
Jolies choses.