Si le site offde Placebo est plutot chiche en news et en info c'est pas le cas de tous!!! grace au portail de the-raft on en apprend plus sur meds et avec une photo inédite!!

"Placebo's 'Meds' On Its Way!
British three-piece lead by Brian Molko, reveal details of their fifth studio album…
'Meds' mark the return of a very confident band that after a decade together just keep growing in stature. The album will be released on CD, LP and special edition pack with an extended booklet with lyrics and a bonus DVD.
The DVD contains a documentary by Ewen Bremner (Trainspotting), some previously unseen live footage and the Bloc Party remix of 'Because I Want You', as well as three previously unreleased tracks and a photo gallery! Phew…
'Because I Want You' will be the first UK single and is set for release on 6 March. The first single worldwide (excluding UK) will be the track 'Song To Say Goodbye', also released on 6 March."
j'ai la flemme de tt traduire desolé!!! En gros une edition spécial de meds est confirmé!! le dvd contiendra dc un documentaire réalisé par ewen Bremner (transpotting), des images live inédites, un remixe de "because i want you" par Bloc Party aisi que 3 titres inédits et uner gallerie de photos!!!!!
Hou la la!!!!! Ca fait envie tt ca!!!

Parmis ces 3 titres jamais sortis il y a une grosse rumeur autour du "longue division"...
Dernière modification par Sweet Lili (22-01-2006 14:52:34)
Somethin’ filled up, my heart with nothin’, someone told me not to cry. But now that I’m older,my heart’s colder,
and I can see that it’s a lie.
Jolies choses.