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newbie here!

antaros Homme
You don't care about post
Lieu: London
Anniversaire: 27 avril 1978
Date d'inscription: 07-03-2007
Messages: 5

#1 07-03-2007 22:50:55

newbie here!

new here, from london, french by birth but a londoner for the last 14 years! Have been into Placebo since 1998, saw them live 4 times, Brixton Academy 2000, Brixton Academy again Halloween 2001, on a small island in the south of france (voix du gaou festival july 2004) and yesterday at the coronet theatre in London ;-)
What can I say about yesterday? They played some of my favourite songs (I Know / Running Up That Hill / Twenty Years / Without You I'm Nothing), Brian wasn't very talkative and Stefan didn't say a word, they left without saying goodbye and didn't play for a 2nd encore even though most of the crowd stayed for a good 20mins asking them to come back... bit frustrating but it was a great little concert!

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Drapeau gibsongirl Femme
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Lieu: Au Nord de Cloport City
Anniversaire: 29 juin 1988
Date d'inscription: 20-06-2006
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#2 07-03-2007 22:54:01

Re: newbie here!

[Sorry for the English timide ]
Really, you saw them yesterday, Congratulations. tummenupp  godlike

Welcome biere

III   WhEn I DreaM, I drEam YouR Kis$   III

                           ---<    Mad about them coeur and him  copain   ---<

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Drapeau zerped Femme
Without posts I'm nothing
Lieu: Au rayon Bri-oche
Anniversaire: 06 décembre 1992
Date d'inscription: 29-11-2006
Messages: 6803

#3 07-03-2007 23:07:22

Re: newbie here!

welcome here !!! big_smile

you were at the show yersterday, great wink  (my english is very bad :S)

Dernière modification par zerped (07-03-2007 23:26:49)


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Drapeau mistermoneypenny Homme
Lieu: Belgique
Anniversaire: 29 mai 1987
Date d'inscription: 04-07-2006
Messages: 1538

#4 07-03-2007 23:18:30

Re: newbie here!

Welcome  biere

Plaisir d'amour ne dure qu'un instant,chagrin d'amour dure toute la vie - J.P. Claris de Florian, XVIIIe siècle
et toujours d'actualité

Hors ligne

antaros Homme
You don't care about post
Lieu: London
Anniversaire: 27 avril 1978
Date d'inscription: 07-03-2007
Messages: 5

#5 07-03-2007 23:47:13

Re: newbie here!

Merci! Thank You!

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Maylis Femme
Dr Modératrice
Lieu: Entre Camden & Brick Lane
Anniversaire: (Information inconnue)
Date d'inscription: 15-04-2006
Messages: 5487

#6 08-03-2007 00:41:49

Re: newbie here!

Welcome Antaros  biere
Je déteste les Londoniens  ^^


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antaros Homme
You don't care about post
Lieu: London
Anniversaire: 27 avril 1978
Date d'inscription: 07-03-2007
Messages: 5

#7 08-03-2007 01:03:59

Re: newbie here!

sorry to hear about that lol

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Maylis Femme
Dr Modératrice
Lieu: Entre Camden & Brick Lane
Anniversaire: (Information inconnue)
Date d'inscription: 15-04-2006
Messages: 5487

#8 08-03-2007 01:23:26

Re: newbie here!

I just hate all the people who are where I would like to be  wink


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sansha Femme
Harder, Faster, Forever Posteur
Lieu: In its eyes
Anniversaire: 21 novembre
Date d'inscription: 30-09-2006
Messages: 2595

#9 08-03-2007 08:32:05

Re: newbie here!

Welcome antaros   biere

Qui suis je? Ou vais je? Dans quel état j'ère?

SEP ... mais la vie est belle, enfin presque

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poushikatmolko Femme
Battle for the Posts
Lieu: Dans le bus de Placebo
Anniversaire: 02 septembre 1987
Date d'inscription: 24-10-2006
Messages: 518

#10 08-03-2007 09:51:07

Re: newbie here!

Welcome here !  biere

And you are lucky to have assity with the concert !!! I am jealous !!!!!  rock

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Drapeau Nayno-Fil Femme
Lady of the Posts
Lieu: Zaragoza
Anniversaire: 01 mars 1991
Date d'inscription: 14-01-2006
Messages: 11465

#11 08-03-2007 17:37:57

Re: newbie here!

Even if they weren't talkative, I guess you spent a very good time yesterday... saint

Welcome here antaros ! ok

Lalalalalalalala_lie_lie_lie                                        OH BRI coeur

                  Brian : " Ransom?! But nobody will be able to pay for me ! I'm priceless !!! yikes "

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Ling Femme
English Posteur Rain
Lieu: devant mon ordi
Anniversaire: 13 novembre
Date d'inscription: 23-06-2006
Messages: 4782

#12 08-03-2007 17:39:38

Re: newbie here!

welcome here biere

"We're definitely going to hell, but we'll have all the best stories to tell"

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Drapeau Désillusion Femme
And now my posts don't touch the ground
Lieu: Avignon
Anniversaire: 09 décembre 1991
Date d'inscription: 10-03-2006
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#13 08-03-2007 19:05:55

Re: newbie here!

Welcome !

¤ Oups, je crois que je hais le monde entier ¤

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HibOo Femme
Protect me from what I post
Lieu: Dans le train de 19H
Anniversaire: 11 juin
Date d'inscription: 15-04-2006
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#14 08-03-2007 19:46:18

Re: newbie here!

(pour faire original hin)

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Drapeau Noémie Femme
Post in tongues
Lieu: Suisse
Anniversaire: 28 novembre 1990
Date d'inscription: 28-07-2006
Messages: 3611
Site web

#15 08-03-2007 19:51:40

Re: newbie here!

Welcome here antaros !!! biere

You saw placebo in live 4 times...!!! you're lucky !!!!! tummenupp

Love, Sex, Death, Passion, Fear, Obsession. JUST LIKE LIFE !!!

=>       Venez voir mon myspace =)


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Drapeau Mrs Molko Femme
Protect me from what I post
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Anniversaire: 10 avril
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#16 08-03-2007 19:53:01

Re: newbie here!

Welcome!! Always pleased to see members who speak English  ^^
Don't forget to visit the English section  tummenupp

Don't worry baby, it's just the end of the world...

Hors ligne

antaros Homme
You don't care about post
Lieu: London
Anniversaire: 27 avril 1978
Date d'inscription: 07-03-2007
Messages: 5

#17 09-03-2007 14:11:02

Re: newbie here!

Thanks to all the above

Je parle francais aussi, pas de probleme...

Mrs Molko, I will definitely visit the English section! smile

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mimily Femme
Battle for the Posts
Lieu: Castelnau Montratier
Anniversaire: 09 janvier 1985
Date d'inscription: 11-10-2006
Messages: 823

#18 09-03-2007 14:22:00

Re: newbie here!

Welcome to the city! biere

Le Paradis C'est L'enfer!!

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Paranoïaque option Boomerang
Anniversaire: (Information inconnue)
Date d'inscription: 20-05-2006
Messages: 6591

#19 12-03-2007 11:47:14

Re: newbie here!


an island in the south of France??? do you mean : la corse?......

so do you speak french a little??? because you 're born in France and you a londonner since 14 years...wher you were between??

hummm too much questions no???  transpi

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