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Partagez vos photos live dans le forum "Surrepticious Glancing", et partagez votre passion pour le groupe dans la section "Placebo in the details" !
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ashtray_princess a écrit:
Welcome among us Natalia (love your name
If ever you'd problems to understand, don't hesitate to ask
thanks, very surely I will do it
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molkocaïne a écrit:
First of all : a veryyyy WARM Welcome among US Natalia !!!
No, your English is absolutely NOT bad... And, anyway, as you said yourself, the Language of PLACEBO is UNIVERSAL !!!
If you have any problem on this Fansite, do not hesitate to ask anything... Promise ?
Sure! thanks
And thanks everybody for this great welcome
Dernière modification par violettera (04-05-2007 01:03:53)
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