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Suivez Placebo aux States - page 2

Drapeau ola0075 Femme
Posting in the Details
Lieu: Mons ^^
Anniversaire: 23 décembre 1988
Date d'inscription: 29-11-2006
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#31 29-07-2007 21:13:54

Re: Suivez Placebo aux States

Désillusion a écrit:

Moi, tout personnellement, j'ne pense pas que Placebo soient particulièrement amis avec n'importe quel groupe présent dans l'affiche, mais plutôt que cette tournée est une superbe possibilité de conquérir un tout nouveau public, et comme le Brian Molko le dit, de chourrer quelques fans de Linkin Park ou My Chemical Romance. Après tout, hein.......^^

tout a fait d'accord avec toi  ok  happy

♥♥ I  ĸnOw yOu lOve the sOng but nOt the singer ♥♥

                                                                    ♥♥   I'll bide my time, I'll wait my turn  ♥♥

                                                                                                           ♥♥  That's the end , And that's the start of it   ♥♥

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Drapeau Placeboindépendante Femme
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#32 30-07-2007 13:43:30

Re: Suivez Placebo aux States

Merci Nathy pour l'info!!!J'ai vu l'affiche du Projekt Revolution Tour '07 et elle donne envie d'y aller:Placebo,My Chemical Romance,Madina Lake Linkin Park(j'en passe et des meilleurs!!)
Mais bon c'est aux States pleure !!!

I Am The Bone You Couldn't Break

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Me I'm Not Femme
Post in tongues
Lieu: entre Lac Leman et Mont-Blanc
Anniversaire: (Information inconnue)
Date d'inscription: 17-05-2007
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#33 30-07-2007 13:58:39

Re: Suivez Placebo aux States

Pour compléter (illustrer les propos entre autres) et pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas "de visu", quelques  photos intéressantes des "autres"...
Linkin Park, My chemical Romance, HIM, Taking back sunday, Julien K

Le 25 (premier soir) in Auburn, Washington.

Chester Bennington of Linkin Park

Frank Iero of My Chemical Romance

Gerard Way of My Chemical Romance

Ville Vallo of HIM

Amir Derakh of Julien-K

Adam Lazzara of Taking Back Sunday
Photo by Justin Dylan Renney for

Quelques belles photos fraîchement apparues du 28 juillet , in Hyundai Pavilion, San Bernardino, CA
Agence ISIFA

Dernière modification par cate (30-07-2007 17:58:43)

And don't forget to breathe ... 

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Drapeau zerped Femme
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Lieu: Au rayon Bri-oche
Anniversaire: 06 décembre 1992
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#34 30-07-2007 14:01:08

Re: Suivez Placebo aux States

Belles photos, même si effectivement rien à voir avec nos trois chouchous. ^^  Merci Cate !


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Drapeau Spécial Luli Femme
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#35 30-07-2007 14:03:08

Re: Suivez Placebo aux States

merci Cate !!  big_smile ca fait vraiment une différence de style par rapport a placebo  tongue  lol

So You Came Like A Missile

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Drapeau S:noW Femme
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#36 30-07-2007 14:06:15

Re: Suivez Placebo aux States

Merci Cate!

Hi hi hi mon homme aussi a un tatoo flamming sur l'avant bras  horssujet

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Maylis Femme
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#37 30-07-2007 15:25:35

Re: Suivez Placebo aux States

Je suis la seule à trouver que l'affiche est homogène ?  hmm


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Drapeau placibow-wife Femme
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#38 30-07-2007 15:28:41

Re: Suivez Placebo aux States

Je trouve Ville Vallo très agréable à la vue  tummenupp  big_smile                              (une fois j'ai vu une photo ou ya Molko qui l'embrasse sur la joue...)

euh ok laissez-moi deviner je suis  horssujet

J'aurais aimé t'aimer.Comme on aime le soleil. Te dire que le monde est beau. Que c'est beau d'aimer. J'aurais aimer t'écrire Le plus beau des poèmes. Et construire un empire Juste pour ton sourire. Devenir le soleil Pour sécher tes sanglots Et faire battre le ciel Pour un futur plus beau Mais c'est plus fort que moiTu vois je n'y peux rienCe monde n'est pas pour moi Ce monde n'est pas le mien

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Drapeau ola0075 Femme
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Anniversaire: 23 décembre 1988
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#39 30-07-2007 20:02:14

Re: Suivez Placebo aux States

Ca change de notre ptit Brian...  coeur

♥♥ I  ĸnOw yOu lOve the sOng but nOt the singer ♥♥

                                                                    ♥♥   I'll bide my time, I'll wait my turn  ♥♥

                                                                                                           ♥♥  That's the end , And that's the start of it   ♥♥

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Drapeau placebo87 Entre les deux ;)
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#40 03-08-2007 11:57:19

Re: Suivez Placebo aux States

hier je regardais la chaine arte et j'ai vu un documentaire sur le festival hurricane et justement j'ai vu placebo avec la chanson twenty years,et a la fin du documentaire et il sont que se soir il aura aussi un doccumentaire au festival benicassim, et j'ai vu des extraits de placebo en concert, donc se soir regarder arté a 22:10, et si vous voulez revoir les hurricane, il repassent se soir a 3:00 du matin. voili voilou

dsl pour le  horssujet mais je ne savais ou le mettre

coeur *~*[I know, that I love you]*~*coeur

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Drapeau Protect me 68 Femme
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@MorganeSchertzi sur Twitter

#41 05-08-2007 19:40:34

Re: Suivez Placebo aux States

merci pour l'info Nathy, je trouve que c'est une bonne idée. Et merci cate pour les photos.   wink  Même si les autres groupes ont une style différent de Placebo, que se soit dans les vêtemens, les chansons, ou autres, j'adore Linkin Park et My Chemical Romance. Pas autant que Placebo c'est sûr, mais ce sont des groupes vraiment bien. Après c'est un avis perso. Mais je trouve quand même une part de bizzarerie dans ç ne sais pas pourquoi !  happy

Don't go and leave me
               And please don't drive me blind...
                              'Cause Soulmates never die...
"Omnia vulnerant, Ultima necat."  ("toutes les heures blessent, la dernière tue.")

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Ling Femme
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#42 11-08-2007 16:27:21

Re: Suivez Placebo aux States

super les photos je voudrais etre la bas pleure

"We're definitely going to hell, but we'll have all the best stories to tell"

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Drapeau svtm Entre les deux ;)
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#43 13-08-2007 23:36:52

Re: Suivez Placebo aux States

Petite itw de Brian & Stef aux States... : à propos de leur set-list ! … ution.html

( lien trouvé sur )

"Beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothes, but inwardly, they are ravening wolves"

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Me I'm Not Femme
Post in tongues
Lieu: entre Lac Leman et Mont-Blanc
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Date d'inscription: 17-05-2007
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#44 14-08-2007 09:45:38

Re: Suivez Placebo aux States

svtm a écrit:

Petite itw de Brian & Stef aux States... : à propos de leur set-list ! … ution.html

( lien trouvé sur )

Merci svtm...La lucidité a traversé les verres teintés de ses lunettes !!!

Pour compléter, puisqu'il évoque le fait de jouer à 17 H ... Photo du programme prise le 11 août

Horaires qui expliquent également le peu de public (photo prise le même jour..."Infra-red"...heureusement qu'on voit l'écran de vidéo  pour reconnaître !)
Photos par elie harris sur

Dernière modification par cate (14-08-2007 10:23:33)

And don't forget to breathe ... 

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Drapeau placibow-wife Femme
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#45 14-08-2007 11:22:04

Re: Suivez Placebo aux States

en effet ça se buscule pas au portillon


J'aurais aimé t'aimer.Comme on aime le soleil. Te dire que le monde est beau. Que c'est beau d'aimer. J'aurais aimer t'écrire Le plus beau des poèmes. Et construire un empire Juste pour ton sourire. Devenir le soleil Pour sécher tes sanglots Et faire battre le ciel Pour un futur plus beau Mais c'est plus fort que moiTu vois je n'y peux rienCe monde n'est pas pour moi Ce monde n'est pas le mien

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Me I'm Not Femme
Post in tongues
Lieu: entre Lac Leman et Mont-Blanc
Anniversaire: (Information inconnue)
Date d'inscription: 17-05-2007
Messages: 3348

#46 16-08-2007 20:19:07

Re: Suivez Placebo aux States

Sur Myspace : annonce d'une retransmission du Project le 22
Lien … =299429710

  Project Revolution - For everyone !

For those of you that cant make it to Project Revolution, now you can watch it from the comfort of your own home!

On the 22nd of August will be streaming a fantastic 6 hours of Project Revolution.

Add this countdown widget to your own page and get ready for the Revolution!

Dernière modification par cate (16-08-2007 20:24:29)

And don't forget to breathe ... 

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Drapeau Leezou Femme
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#47 16-08-2007 20:52:29

Re: Suivez Placebo aux States

Bonne nouvelle, merci cate.  big_smile


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Drapeau zerped Femme
Without posts I'm nothing
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#48 16-08-2007 21:04:58

Re: Suivez Placebo aux States

infra-red08 a écrit:

Bonne nouvelle, merci cate.  big_smile

Je plussoie, merci ! wink


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Me I'm Not Femme
Post in tongues
Lieu: entre Lac Leman et Mont-Blanc
Anniversaire: (Information inconnue)
Date d'inscription: 17-05-2007
Messages: 3348

#49 21-08-2007 11:04:41

Re: Suivez Placebo aux States

Voici le lien pour les nouvelles photos "officielles" postées sur le site "officiel" … _2007.html

And don't forget to breathe ... 

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Me I'm Not Femme
Post in tongues
Lieu: entre Lac Leman et Mont-Blanc
Anniversaire: (Information inconnue)
Date d'inscription: 17-05-2007
Messages: 3348

#50 21-08-2007 11:26:19

Re: Suivez Placebo aux States

Et une interview fraîche se Stef qui revient sur la particularité de cette tournée et le "challenge" que représente ce type de concert avec des non-fans, évoque l'homosexualité le break de septembre :

Larry Nichols from the "Philadelphia Gay News" adds to the wealth of interviews flowing out from America during the Projekt Revolution tour. Bass player, Stefan Olsdal, talks about touring with such bands, the gay community and taking a break after September to recharge their creative batteries.
Placebo administer ‘Meds’ to the Projekt Revolution tour
August 17, 2007

The members of Placebo want you to know that they would like to be huge in America. And they just might achieve that goal soon.

Placebo, like many U.K.-based rock and pop acts who are insanely popular in most of the Western world but only marginally famous here, are trying to figure out the formula to American blockbuster success so they can cut in the line ahead of acts like Robbie Williams, Oasis and Blur, all of whom have spent the better part of the last decade in a holding pattern here.

But Placebo isn’t a band content to rest on its collective laurels. Given that the band has a dedicated following all over the world, they’ve been on the road almost constantly since their album “Meds” came out in early 2006.

Placebo’s openly gay bass player, Stefan Olsdal, said the band doesn’t mind the grueling amounts of traveling and performing.

“The world is a big place and we don’t want to miss out on any part of it,” he said. “Hence our long tour schedules. We’re a year-and-a-half into touring for ‘Meds.’ It’s taken us to China, South Korea, Australia, all over Latin America, Central America, the States and all over Europe. We’re really hitting as much of the world as possible. We feel with this album, we had a bit more of a chance because we had a couple tracks on a couple of TV shows [i.e. ‘Queer as Folk’] that have raised our profile, along with our cover version of ‘Running Up That Hill’ by Kate Bush. It just seems to be more ammunition for us to work on.”

Olsdal said that although Placebo isn’t household name here like it is in other countries, their American fans have been very loyal.

“We’re more of a cult band here,” he said. “One of the stronger followings for Placebo is the gay community. That’s been really supportive.”

The band has been focusing on breaking through to a wider American audience with this tour. To bolster this effort, Placebo has put together a new EP, the recently released “Extended Play ’07,” featuring a handful of studio and live versions of the hits to give new and old fans alike an audio crash course in the band’s 10-year history.

“We’ve been coming here for every album that’s been released since 1996,” Olsdal said. “For this album, this is the third time in nine months. We’re giving it a good shot. We’re putting the hours in. Sometimes all you need is a lucky break, that one song that is going to break you on the radio.”

Part of that effort to break out finds Placebo stepping out of the comfort zone of their own headlining shows and teaming up with different bands on the package-tour circuit. The band is in the middle of a run of U.S. shows as part of the Projekt Revolution Tour, which pulls into town Aug. 25 at Camden’s Tweeter Center and features modern-rock heavyweights like Linkin Park, My Chemical Romance, H.I.M., Taking Back Sunday and others on the day-long concert bill.

“Linkin Park asked us,” Olsdal said of how Placebo came to be on the tour. “There’s been some stuff in the press about them and My Chemical Romance being big into Placebo. I think they like us.”

The package tours that make the rounds every summer tend to be male- dominated, testosterone- laden affairs casting the widest net possible in the genres of arena rock, country or heavy metal. Projekt Revolution, even with its high hipster factor and more that a few guys on stage wearing women’s jeans, eyeliner and product in their hair, is still, at its core, like every other big-budget package tour on the scene.

That fact isn’t lost on a band like Placebo whose members are very open about their sexuality and whose musical style is very eclectic (considering the chances anyone else on this tour having a Kate Bush cover in their repertoire is 1,000-to-one).

“We kind of stick out like a sore thumb,” Olsdal said. “First of all, we’re from Europe and half this band is gay.” (Of the other band members, vocalist Brian Molko is bisexual and drummer Steve Hewitt is heterosexual.)

Olsdal said that with their extensive catalog of songs, the band is more than up to the challenge of taming and winning over the average big American rock audience and plans to bring out the big guns on this tour.

“The kind of music on this tour is hard, almost metal in some places,” he said. “That kind of audience, you have to hit them with a big slab of rock. We changed our set to accommodate this kind of audience. We play the more guitar-heavy tracks. Two weeks into the tour, we feel that we’re starting to make a bit of a dent and get the attention of the predominantly rock crowd.”

Olsdal also said that, on a tour with so many mainstream and radio-friendly rock acts, their sexuality and androgynous image aren’t an issue with the people behind the scenes.

“The vibe backstage is great,” he said. “There’s no homophobia. In the music industry, it’s very common. There’s been nothing but a great vibe backstage and homosexuality has not been an issue or come up.”

Placebo is used to playing stages of all sizes — from the intimate theaters and club shows of their recent American tours to the massive stages of the music festivals in Europe. Olsdal said that when it comes to putting on a show, each setting has its unique advantages and challenges and he finds it hard to pick one over the other as a favorite.

“They’re different,” he said. “What we have to do now is play to the guys that are sitting almost half a mile away from the stage. You basically have to project a lot more. There’s a lot of drama and acting that comes into the whole thing to make your actions and your sounds a little bit larger than life in order for it to reach everyone. It’s a more physical show when you play a tour like this. Whereas, when it’s a club show, it’s dark, you have more control over the sound and the lights and you can also afford to be a bit more adventurous in the selection of songs. We like to mix it up and play more of the slower and downbeat tracks.”

After the Projekt Revolution Tour, the band plans to head home to the U.K. to recharge and regroup.

“This is the last leg of the ‘Meds’ tour,” Olsdal said. “We finish in September and then we take a break. We’re going to need to get away from this touring situation for us to get some new experiences and to get away from this bubble to get inspired.”

Thanks to Rougevelvet for finding that

Dernière modification par cate (22-08-2007 13:54:58)

And don't forget to breathe ... 

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Me I'm Not Femme
Post in tongues
Lieu: entre Lac Leman et Mont-Blanc
Anniversaire: (Information inconnue)
Date d'inscription: 17-05-2007
Messages: 3348

#51 21-08-2007 11:31:03

Re: Suivez Placebo aux States

Autre article du 19.08.07, Nissan Pavilion

Placebo: Crashing the Arena

THE PROJEKT REVOLUTION TOUR comes to the Nissan Pavilion on Sunday. This mega-rock mash-up brings together everyone from rappers Cypress Hill to alt-metallers Adema, DJ Z-Trip and emo stars Taking Back Sunday; nu-metal arena-rockers Linkin Park are the headlining act.

So what is a pan-sexual British-alt-rock band with glam tendencies dong on the bill, sandwiched in between Orgy side project Julien-K and goth-rockers H.I.M.?

Placebo guitarist/vocalist Brian Molko feels comfortable on the bill. "It's really a great tour for us. It's going really well, but there's an added challenge to it as well because, basically, it's not our own tour. It's a challenge for us to try to steal a few of [Linkin Park's] fans, you know, which is pretty much our agenda, and I think it's starting to work."

Despite all the talk of winning over fans, Molko insists things are very friendly between his saucy trio and the tougher Linkin. "We ended up [on the tour] simply because Linkin Park were fans and invited us," said the American-born, London-raised singer. "There's a fantastic camaraderie on the tour," he says. "Linkin Park are not only very approachable, but they approach you, so there are no egos backstage."

Placebo is currently promoting its latest album, 2006's "Meds." Although "Meds" leaves most of the synths and electronic sounds of 2003's "Sleeping With Ghosts" behind in favor of layers of buzzing guitars and pounding drums, Placebo's dark, catchy songwriting and Molko's dynamic — and distinctly nasal — vocals are instantly recognizable.

"We have a tendency to never go in a similar direction with the next album. ... 'Meds'' predecessor was an album that was pretty much constructed on the computer, so for the process of making 'Meds,' we rented a studio that hadn't been renovated since the seventies and decided to make as live a record as possible," says Molko.

"I couldn't be happier. This album has been our biggest popular success, and this return to the source — this going back to the roots of the band to make an album that's about songwriting, performance and musicianship, as opposed to how well we know how to use a studio or how many synthesizers we have — has really revitalized the band.

Written by Express contributor Greg Re

Thanks to rougevelvet

Dernière modification par cate (21-08-2007 11:37:42)

And don't forget to breathe ... 

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Drapeau Lazarus Femme
Battle for the Posts
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Anniversaire: 01 octobre 1987
Date d'inscription: 26-10-2006
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#52 21-08-2007 11:46:43

Re: Suivez Placebo aux States

Merci Cate !

_ * *- VIVRE TUE - * * _

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Maylis Femme
Dr Modératrice
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#53 21-08-2007 13:21:03

Re: Suivez Placebo aux States

Merci Cate !
Très intéressants ces articles  tummenupp


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Me I'm Not Femme
Post in tongues
Lieu: entre Lac Leman et Mont-Blanc
Anniversaire: (Information inconnue)
Date d'inscription: 17-05-2007
Messages: 3348

#54 27-08-2007 09:13:15

Re: Suivez Placebo aux States

Suite des articles parus aux US :

Article intéressant, assez touffu, (désolée, pas le courage ni le temps de traduire  smile paru dans "Rag Magazine", un journal de musqiue de Floride, dont je vous mets la couverture

[i]Upon first impression, Brian Molko, the androgynous looking frontman of British electronic-rock band Placebo, just seems to be a bit of a lackadaisical communicator - withdrawn andreticent, as if I have the answers to my questions before our chat even begins. In fact, it’s almost as if he prides himself on being a complicated conversationalist. “I can imagine that I am sometimes a frustrating interviewee because I find it very difficult to think in terms of absolute. It’s kind of difficult to get a straight answer out of me some of the time, so I apologize for that,” the 34-year-old vocalist/guitarist announces at the get go of our talk.

As our interview progresses, I realize that what appears to be an allusive, apprehensive demeanor, turns out to be more of an endearing quality rather than an offensive one. Like many artists, Molko is most comfortable discussing his art; its highlights and pitfalls, but take him outside that, and you’re likely to walk away emptyhanded and frustrated.

Painstakingly working to find just the right words, Molko details his early musical inspirations: Sonic Youth and PJ Harvey. “I wanted to [make] a band that was a cross between Sonic Youth and PJ Harvey - to kind of have this no rules ethic that Sonic Youth has, the beauty you find in dissonance and atonality. How they are, to me, is being incredibly beautiful without being pretty all the time. They represent infinite possibilities, with quite the limited instruments of the guitar. And there’s the kind of unbelievably, almost, sometimes painfully professional quality of the first two records of Polly Harvey.”

In 1994, Molko set up shop with Stefan Olsdal (bass) and Steve Hewitt (drums) to try to capture the aura of the artists he admired, while developing something original of his own. It wasn’t long before Placebo signed a recording contract with Caroline Records and issued a self-titled debut in 1996. The album was an unexpected success in the U.K., with the hit singles “Nancy Boy” and “Bruise Pristine.” The group garnered major ink from British music weeklies and opened for the Sex Pistols, U2 and Weezer. In 1997, David Bowie personally invited the band to perform at this 50th birthday celebration. The band continued to earn respect, and switched to Virgin for their next release. They appeared, performing a T. Rex cover, in the 1998 Todd Haynes film, Velvet Goldmine, based on Bowie’s Ziggy Stardust character. Placebo went on to release three more studio albums, the final one being Meds in 2006. Meds proves the band isn’t ready to be complacent in their sound, and continue to shift and surprise listeners without abandoning their trademark neo-glam punk-rock style.

For Molko, pushing personal and artistic limits is the only option. “There’s no point in [making music] unless your ambition is to challenge the already established place,” he says. “Whether you achieve that or not is beyond your control, but there’s absolutely no point in doing it unless you feel like you’re getting better, unless you feel like you’re honing your craft. It is a craft, and it requires a certain amount of discipline and you really need to apply yourself to it.”

In addition to having the courage to experiment and expand personal boundaries, Molko thinks art and artists have to meet in the middle to have a successful, symbiotic relationship. “I think that the best art, regardless of whether it’s cinema, or music, or a painting, or video art, [its quality depends on the] kind ofthe effort you make, the steps you take towards the art, as much as the steps it takes towards you - where you [both] meet is that magical place. As a band that tours all of the time, it’s kind of what you need from a rainy night in Germany. You need that [men-tality] from an audience, too. You need them to step up to the plate as much as you are.”

Placebo’s sound, image and attitude are enigmatic and eccentric enough that they challenge conventional notions about art and music, while still appealing toa broad audience. Molko wants to take audiences where rules and boundaries don’t exist. “You know there’s got to be a place somewhere, where you don’t have to follow the rules, where you don’t even need to think about them. You don’t even need to think about who you are, what you represent, what your identity is, and what you mean to lots of people. There’s got to be a place where you’re free of all the drudgery of having to tie your shoes, and having to be a law abiding member of society. There’s got to be a place whereyou can escape the system, and a place - a world that’s unique for you, a place where you find freedom within yourself. I look for that a lot,” he says. “I like to feel around in the dark a lot and bump into things, and then kind of take Polaroids of the bruises, and ponder them for a while, and see if I still like them a week later.”

Not surprising, Molko is sensitive about musical classifications and comparisons. Because Placebo’s brand of art rock can’t be easily defined, and is extensively compared to Nirvana, I asked Molko what he thought about being called a glam-rock version of Nirvana. OK, it was a bold statement, but who knew Molko would take such a hard stance on it? He virtually shut down. Only several minutes later did he apologize and revisit the subject. He blames the band’s appearance in Velvet Goldmine for the extensive Nirvana associations.” I think it’s a great movie, and I’m very proud to be in a Todd Haynes film. But since then, there are so many people after that movie came out where they go, ‘Oh, Placebo’s in a glam rock movie? You must be glam rock version of Nirvana,’ and it irritated us so much. And I guess that’s kind of what irritates me, when I hear the whole word glam or the word goth, which irritates me as well.”

So how would Molko describe his sound – if he had to put himself in category? “If you’re asking me to sum [up] 13 years, it’s really difficult for me,” he adamantly states. “I just don’t think about it, because creative expression sort of represents a sort of freedom, and it’s tapping into an instinct with so many borders in the rest of the world, and so much significant meaning and questions and answers that … it’s kind of a place that I don’t really need to go, or think about, or even justify. I just follow my gut really.”

If his past is hard for him to articulate, the future is even more so. He jokingly considers the band’s next direction: “The facetious answer to that question would be that we’re goingto make a record that’s a cross between Johnny Cash and the Village People, we feel that gay country hasn’t been fully explored yet. Like I said, that’s an extremely facetious answer to a difficult question. We’re songwriters, so it really depends on the song for me, and what this song tells you is the best way for you to present it, because you have to listen to the songs talking to you, telling you where to take them. You add that to an extremely low bordering threshold, where you want to try and do things that you haven’t done before, and because it’s a collaborative way of working, so many accidents happen that you end up going places that you don’t really set out to.”

Molko hopes Placebo will make a lasting impression on the music world, but realizes the enormity of actually doing so: “As far flash-in-the-pan versus your Bob Dylan, we think that it happens a lot more today because we look back at musical history and we see all great wealth of music that’s endured, the reason that it’s endured is because that was the good stuff. There was as much shit in the ‘60s as there is today, it’s just different flavored shit, and in the year 2120, nobody will remember it. Just like we don’t remember all the shit that was there in the ‘60s. We remember Janis Joplin and we remember Dylan because what they did was of such quality. I think that’s kind of the mirror you have to judge it at.”

As a successful artist, Molko takes periodic reality-checks: “It got to the point where we were really sort of filled with a lot of vibrato, and we took to the stage and we thought yeah, nobody can touch us. And then we did a good show and then the Queens of the Stone Age came out and Stefan and I wanted to retire, (laughs) because it was so perfect. So I guess I look forward to touring with them if they’re gonna do that to me, if they’re gonna make me feel humble.”

As if defending his own art and ideas or perhaps on some kind of personal mission to save us from mediocrity Molko dismantles conservative notions of beauty and obscurity. “I think people have a tendency to believe that something is not beautiful if it’s not pretty, and that it is often purposely obscure if it takes an effort on your part to understand it, and I just completely disagree with that,” he says. After all these years, it seems Molko hasn’t abandoned the ideals of Sonic Youth and PJ Harvey that initially brought him to music: finding beauty in uncommon sources and challenging the world see it, too.

Dernière modification par cate (27-08-2007 09:16:07)

And don't forget to breathe ... 

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Me I'm Not Femme
Post in tongues
Lieu: entre Lac Leman et Mont-Blanc
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Date d'inscription: 17-05-2007
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#55 27-08-2007 09:19:26

Re: Suivez Placebo aux States

Je fais 2 posts pour plus de clarté...

Et une interview dans laquelle  Brian  tire un bilan "lucide" du Project, parue dans " Albuquerque Tribune", le 24 aout 2007 (By Paul Maldonado)
A noter à la fin : le journaliste lui demande (insidieusement !) si, après cette tournée, il fera sa tournée Brian répond, en riant, qu'il n'y aura rien après car, après 2 ans sur les routes, il est temps de rentrer à la maison.

Euro-rock band Placebo to end U.S. tour near Denver

Even before releasing its fifth studio album, "Meds," in April 2006, the members of the British trio Placebo — Brian Molko on vocals and guitar, bassist Stefan Olsdal and drummer Steve Hewitt — had been out on the road. And since the record came out, they've put a heavy concentration on the Americas.

The band has been trying to break in the United States since forming 10 years ago. It gained a foothold with 2003's "Sleeping With Ghosts." For "Meds," the band ditched the synths and went with the basics — guitar, bass, drums. But its brand of Euro-rock 'n' roll didn't lose any of its passion or bombast.

And hewing to that fine U.S. marketing tradition, the band's label, Virgin Records, re-released "Meds" in December with three "bonus" tracks, including a cover version of Kate Bush's "Running Up That Hill."

All this set Placebo up for its biggest U.S. show to date — Sunday night at the Coachella Music Fest, where an incendiary performance enhanced its reputation while garnering beaucoup fans.

The group is on Linkin Park's "Projekt Revolution 2007" tour — 29 shows in 40 days — which comes to an end Labor Day at a shed outside Denver.

Molko, 34, called The Tribune from Sacramento during a day off from the tour. He comes across as soft-spoken, with a not-too-thick British accent. In fact, he says he has a hard time understanding my accent more then once.

Tribune: Hey, Brian, how's it going? Enjoying your day off?

Molko: It's an off day (laughs), but I have three interviews today. You're my second.

Tribune: My son told me to be sure to catch your show at Coachella. I'm glad I did; it was great.

Molko: We had a great time at Coachella. It was our first American festival ever. What a way to start, huh? We had a fantastic time.

Tribune: What kind of fan base do you have in America?

Molko: We've toured the U.S. extensively during the past 10 years, but we're not quite above a cult following here. Which is perfectly fine with me.

Tribune: Do you like coming to the U.S.?

Molko: We have a tendency, as a band, to go anywhere to play for any number of people. We've toured Eastern Europe extensively and gone to places other bands wouldn't even think of.

For us, it isn't so much . . . or always about the money; the music comes first. We're taking our music to the people.

Tribune: Why do you think you haven't broken in the States?

Molko: I think it's because we have a very European sensibility, really; we've spent all our lives there, grew up there.

Sure we've been influenced by the Pixies, Sonic Youth, Jane's Addiction . . . to name a few. But we've no constant presence in the U.S. We're not readily identifiable in America.

We didn't grow up here; we weren't listening to Journey on the radio growing up. I think it's just a question of geography, really.

Tribune: How would you describe your music?

Molko: That's a difficult question. When I started the band more than a decade ago, I had this idea of it being a cross between Sonic Youth and P.J. Harvey. So there, you have some idea of where I'm coming from.

But I don't think about it, really; the music is what it is. I'm not settled on a specific identification, (because) that leads to self-censorship. Like I can't pick up a tuba for our next album 'cause we're a "rock" band?

Tribune: Do you have any new music coming out anytime soon?

Molko: It's going to be a little while before we put out another record (laughs). We've been on the road over 18 months now. I think we've had too much exposure to our own music (laughs).

Tribune: Virgin sent me a copy of the "Extended Play '07" EP. (The eight-song disc features tunes from each of the band's five studio albums, including three previously unreleased live tracks.) Is that just a stopgap?

Molko: It's just a little something for our fans . . . for the time being.

Tribune: Do you guys write on the road?

Molko: We used to during sound check. But we've been doing mainly festivals lately, so we don't do many sound checks now. We have a great crew who know what to do to make us sound great live. We do have more "daily time," though (laughs).

Tribune: Which do you prefer: festivals or your own gigs?

Molko: I like things about our own (tours) more — artistically and on a more satisfying level. At our shows, we're preaching to the converted. Festival shows are fast; they can be like being on a converter (sic) belt.

But it's a great thing, a day in the park. We get to spend lots of time with interesting people — musicians — people you admire. I know some people are going to think I'm crazy, but I'm serious; I really am. We get to make friends with other bands.

Tribune: Why did Placebo agree to be on the Projekt Revolution tour?

Molko: I think of it as a way for us to gain some new fans, absolutely. If we turn just one person on to our music and they share it with their friends, that's good for us; we've done our job.

Tribune: What's been the reception, so far? (Placebo is second on the main stage, between Julien-K and H.I.M.)

Molko: The Linkin Park crowd is a hard bunch (nervous laughter). They're there to see Linkin Park. We have to convince them, bring them to our side. But it's a good thing; it makes us a better band.

Tribune: Any regrets for going on this tour?

Molko: There have been some tough crowds. Like I said, they're not really there to see us. We just have to try to win them over.

But backstage is really cool. There's no problems; there's no egos. It's a really, really positive vibe.

Tribune: What's your favorite song to to do live?

Molko: When we do our own shows, we do a more experimental rock encore, more "space rock." I mean there actually are some "songs" in all that noise (laughs). But at the moment, there's "Twenty Years" and "Running Up That Hill."

Tribune: What's next after this, your own tour?

Molko: Nothing at the end of this tour (laughs). We've been going on two years on the road. I think it's time to go home.
Thanks to Rougevelvet

Dernière modification par cate (27-08-2007 14:46:21)

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#56 27-08-2007 09:25:08

Re: Suivez Placebo aux States

Merci Cate pour les articles  copain

Trop chou le molko: ses deux chansons qu'il préfère jouer en live sont celles que j'adore justement en live: Twenty Years et Running Up that Hill  coeur

Bon et puis ben retour à la maison on dirait, ils vont enfin se reposer  tummenupp

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#57 27-08-2007 09:46:58

Re: Suivez Placebo aux States

Merci bien Cate. smile


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sisina Femme
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#58 27-08-2007 14:43:27

Re: Suivez Placebo aux States

Merci cate smile Elle est pas mal la deuxième itw.

You know I dreamed about you.
I missed you for twenty-nine years.

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Drapeau Spécial Luli Femme
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#59 27-08-2007 14:50:59

Re: Suivez Placebo aux States

merci Cate !!  happy

So You Came Like A Missile

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Me I'm Not Femme
Post in tongues
Lieu: entre Lac Leman et Mont-Blanc
Anniversaire: (Information inconnue)
Date d'inscription: 17-05-2007
Messages: 3348

#60 27-08-2007 19:35:09

Re: Suivez Placebo aux States

Videos du 15 aout à Jones Beach Theater, Wantagh...Belles photos, ce jour-là...mais ...
...un vide effarant, impressionnant ... triste ... démoralisant ?

Dernière modification par cate (27-08-2007 19:40:53)

And don't forget to breathe ... 

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