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placebomolko a écrit:
penny a écrit:
Well Just seen Placebo on MYSpace but too late. I've seen from Nancy Boy till The Bitter end only 4 songs (Nancy Boy, Special K, Taste in Men and The Bitter End). A great gig with a cute long haired little Bri sweating in his smart white shirt with a sweaty Steve behind hid drums and an unshaved Stef. A very sexy performance. Thanks. Hope to get the whole gig soon. Hope someone was luckier and saw the all set. BYe .Feeling in Heaven
dammmn, they played nancy boy???
oooh I didnt see it, shiiit!!!!
why was I too late??? *crying* lol
They did sang Nancy Boy which was gorgeous and Brian was looking at Stef with "a I don't know what eye " but sure that was sex. So Great . Bri sweating in his virgin white shirt and Stef looking so manly unshaved... MY HO MY. I missed the begining of the gig . I'm so hopeless sometimes. Bye.
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mansongirl9 a écrit:
Je doute que l'on puisse déjà trouver une vidéo mais quelqu'un a-t-il au moins un petit screenshot ?
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penny a écrit:
placebomolko a écrit:
penny a écrit:
Well Just seen Placebo on MYSpace but too late. I've seen from Nancy Boy till The Bitter end only 4 songs (Nancy Boy, Special K, Taste in Men and The Bitter End). A great gig with a cute long haired little Bri sweating in his smart white shirt with a sweaty Steve behind hid drums and an unshaved Stef. A very sexy performance. Thanks. Hope to get the whole gig soon. Hope someone was luckier and saw the all set. BYe .Feeling in Heaven
dammmn, they played nancy boy???
oooh I didnt see it, shiiit!!!!
why was I too late??? *crying* lolThey did sang Nancy Boy which was gorgeous and Brian was looking at Stef with "a I don't know what eye " but sure that was sex. So Great . Bri sweating in his virgin white shirt and Stef looking so manly unshaved... MY HO MY. I missed the begining of the gig . I'm so hopeless sometimes. Bye.
damn, I think iy was totally HOT!!!
and yeeeah, brian in his white shirt, so fucking hot!!!
and his hair are awesome!!!
damn, I love this band to death!!!
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JinJin a écrit:
On est beaucoup a pas avoir vu!!
(c'est français?)
A priori, on est suffisament pour former le club des loosers
*part se pendre avec son string*
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fanplacebo a écrit:
Clarkston, DTE Energy Music Theatre, USA (22.08.2007)
concert du project revolution tour
8 titres
30 minutes
boots entier
concert en MP3
boots complet = 27 mo
lien d'acces au boots :
molko250789 a écrit:
POURQUOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII je croyais que c'était a minuit, j'étais tranquillement en train de siroter du champagne chez un pote quelle honte
jespere que ce sera possible de le telecharger
ya déja des photos et l'audio, tu vas surkiffer!!!
et les vidéos arriveront bientot apparement!!!
je sens qu'on va tous se jetter
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the teacher a écrit:
Nathy a écrit:
Bon j'vais te faire un cours sur les fuseaux horaires alors...
On est à l'heure d'été, soit GMT+2.
EST = GMT-5.
S'il est mis 17h sur le site officiel, tu additionnes les 7 heures de décalage horaire, et t'arrives à 24h, soit minuit.mais les américains ne sont-ils pas eux aussi à l'heure d'été d'où EST = gmt - 4
Donc 6 heures de décalage donc PLACEBO 23 HEURES
Ce coup ci c'est au moins champagne
Dernière modification par the teacher (23-08-2007 11:52:48)
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Dernière modification par the teacher (23-08-2007 14:54:56)
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gaellemolko93 a écrit:
j'ai reussi a voir cette nuit, apparement j'ai eu de la chance
j'ai adore, surtout le bout ou brian serre sa guitare dans ses bras <3
Je plussoie.
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