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i am new here

Drapeau brianslade69
Postage Angst
Lieu: chile
Anniversaire: 23 janvier 1989
Date d'inscription: 29-01-2008
Messages: 66
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#1 29-01-2008 13:20:22

i am new here

hello encounter very good forum this has quite good commentaries aca
in latinoamerica, is why there am decidio to register in, alive in
Santiago of Chile also I belong to I hope does
not bother to them. it is but by a language subject since as would
compenderan I handle with the Spanish something of ingles and almost
nothing of frances.bueno the fact to read the rules and things asi or
is great desafio jaja thanks to tecnologia that it exists the
translators or quizas that seria.solo I hope to be treated with
dignity and not to be discriminated being Latin American, I am 19
years old, I am sign aquarium and I like the medicas series like Dr
house, nip tuck ademas of other series like the l world...

ojala is understood everything what I write

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JinJin Femme
Without posts I'm nothing
Anniversaire: 10 décembre 1988
Date d'inscription: 12-11-2006
Messages: 6111

#2 29-01-2008 13:52:39

Re: i am new here

Welcome  biere

I hope to be treated with dignity and not to be discriminated being Latin American

hey!!!!!who do you think we are???
Every one can comes here, if he stays  rescpectfull and try yo write well (it has to say, no sms language!), that's the most important thing!
So, don't bother....

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Drapeau Ashtray Lips Femme
And now my posts don't touch the ground
Lieu: Paris
Anniversaire: 17 juillet 1984
Date d'inscription: 20-01-2006
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MySpace  @AshtrayLips7 sur Twitter

#3 29-01-2008 13:56:57

Re: i am new here

Welcome here brianslade69 !

I'm not sure everyone in here got your entirely message... Don't hesitate to go and visit the Forum "English Summer Rain", it is the place of the people who don't speak French.

And you surely won't be discriminated... smile

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december Femme
Lieu: Somewhere in this City...
Anniversaire: (Information inconnue)
Date d'inscription: 22-08-2007
Messages: 1392

#4 29-01-2008 14:08:59

Re: i am new here

Bienvenido brianslade69 biere

Dernière modification par december (29-01-2008 14:09:47)

Don't forget to be the way you are.

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teen.spirit Femme
Harder, Faster, Forever Posteur
Lieu: gringolandia
Anniversaire: 12 novembre
Date d'inscription: 26-08-2006
Messages: 2319

#5 29-01-2008 14:11:28

Re: i am new here

Bienvenida a la ciudad de Placebo ! happy

Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat, what are they feeding you?
Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat, It's not your fault...

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Drapeau molsdal Femme
Post in tongues
Lieu: Turquie
Anniversaire: (Information inconnue)
Date d'inscription: 20-06-2007
Messages: 3270

#6 29-01-2008 14:55:59

Re: i am new here

Welcome brianslade69  biere  copain

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sansha Femme
Harder, Faster, Forever Posteur
Lieu: In its eyes
Anniversaire: 21 novembre
Date d'inscription: 30-09-2006
Messages: 2595

#7 29-01-2008 15:20:41

Re: i am new here brianslade69

Qui suis je? Ou vais je? Dans quel état j'ère?

SEP ... mais la vie est belle, enfin presque

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Drapeau Zoé Femme
English Posteur Rain
Lieu: Dans la France profonde
Anniversaire: 03 avril 1988
Date d'inscription: 15-06-2005
Messages: 4292

#8 29-01-2008 16:18:12

Re: i am new here

Welcome Brianslade69  smile

Don't cry baby it will make me sad
I'll brought you cocaine and a Penthouse pack

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Drapeau liquidblue Femme
Postage Angst
Lieu: Riga
Anniversaire: 13 juin 1991
Date d'inscription: 25-01-2008
Messages: 15

#9 29-01-2008 17:20:43

Re: i am new here

Welcome brianslade69! biere
I'm also quite new here. And I like Dr House and Nip Tuck too.  smile
I think that nobody is beeing discriminated here. After all were all Placebo fans. happy

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Drapeau Nayno-Fil Femme
Lady of the Posts
Lieu: Zaragoza
Anniversaire: 01 mars 1991
Date d'inscription: 14-01-2006
Messages: 11465

#10 29-01-2008 18:32:11

Re: i am new here

Pienso que puedes escribir en español, sera mas comprensible para ciertos. Y si quieres, podemos traducir para los demas. smile

Entonces, bienvenido brianslade69 ! biere

Lalalalalalalala_lie_lie_lie                                        OH BRI coeur

                  Brian : " Ransom?! But nobody will be able to pay for me ! I'm priceless !!! yikes "

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Drapeau ilovebananas Femme
Protect me from what I post
Lieu: Somewhere else...
Anniversaire: 19 avril
Date d'inscription: 18-03-2007
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Ling Femme
English Posteur Rain
Lieu: devant mon ordi
Anniversaire: 13 novembre
Date d'inscription: 23-06-2006
Messages: 4782

#12 29-01-2008 19:05:14

Re: i am new here

welcome  biere

"We're definitely going to hell, but we'll have all the best stories to tell"

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Plastic Venus
Lieu: Endor
Anniversaire: 29 juin
Date d'inscription: 17-02-2007
Messages: 9379

#13 29-01-2008 20:31:25

Re: i am new here

Welcome to the city brianslade69bisou

You're the Schtroumpf not I.

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coronarythief Femme
Harder, Faster, Forever Posteur
Anniversaire: 13 octobre 1991
Date d'inscription: 06-06-2007
Messages: 2085

#14 29-01-2008 20:43:43

Re: i am new here

welcome  smile

It's far too sacred, don't ever fake it,
And don't, and don't, and don't
Let me down  ...

Il n'est pas beau MAIS il est magnifique...

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Drapeau Spécial Luli Femme
Post in tongues
Lieu: Loin ...
Anniversaire: 16 mars 1993
Date d'inscription: 06-02-2007
Messages: 3613
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#15 29-01-2008 20:56:50

Re: i am new here

welcome  biere

So You Came Like A Missile

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You don't care about post
Anniversaire: (Information inconnue)
Date d'inscription: 31-01-2008
Messages: 1

#16 31-01-2008 04:14:31

Re: i am new here

hello¡¡¡¡ i'm a new girl here¡¡¡ i'm from chile and the site is original , great and perfect¡¡ rock

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Maylis Femme
Dr Modératrice
Lieu: Entre Camden & Brick Lane
Anniversaire: (Information inconnue)
Date d'inscription: 15-04-2006
Messages: 5487

#17 31-01-2008 12:33:28

Re: i am new here

Chile  coeur
Welcome !!!  biere


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Drapeau amarie Femme
Postage Angst
Lieu: Sydney
Anniversaire: 02 décembre 1989
Date d'inscription: 28-01-2008
Messages: 25

#18 31-01-2008 12:35:04

Re: i am new here

Welcome, I'm new too, from Australia.  smile I doubt that anyone would treat you any differently because you're Latin American... from what I've seen so far, there's lots of different nationalities on this forum. That's what makes it so fantastic.

Veuillez m'excuser pour mes erreurs en français, je l'apprends toujours! copain

xx  we are the mirrors of each other in a lifetime of suspicion // cleansed in a moment of recognition  xx

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sisina Femme
Sci-fi Posteur
Lieu: Bourges
Anniversaire: 03 décembre 1979
Date d'inscription: 23-05-2006
Messages: 5440

#19 31-01-2008 14:08:55

Re: i am new here

Welcome smile Don't worry, there are no discriminations here!

You know I dreamed about you.
I missed you for twenty-nine years.

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Drapeau Without You,I'm Black-Eye Femme
Posting in the Details
Lieu: Alsace (68)
Anniversaire: 04 mars 1991
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#20 01-02-2008 23:37:10

Re: i am new here

Welcome to you ! Have a good time on this forum ! ^^

Je ne peux pas décrire l'indéscriptible !!! Je ne dirai que deux choses :

Vive Placebo !!! Et Vive La Gratte !!! Comment Ca, Ca N'a Rien A Voir ?... ^^

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Drapeau Black Market_M Femme
Postage Angst
Lieu: VAR
Anniversaire: 01 mars 1990
Date d'inscription: 29-01-2008
Messages: 73

#21 02-02-2008 00:14:57

Re: i am new here

Welcome ! biere

La musique est toute une vie que je ne conçois pas sans Placebo !

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Drapeau raussin Homme
Posting in the Details
Lieu: cinq mars la pile
Anniversaire: 16 avril 1972
Date d'inscription: 11-11-2006
Messages: 383

#22 04-04-2008 12:47:37

Re: i am new here

bienvenido a nuestra casa

again and again and again and again and AGAIN

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