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Dernière modification par Lenette (21-02-2010 22:34:27)
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Plastic Venus a écrit:
Dernière modification par Plastic Venus (22-03-2010 15:45:02)
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On the 27th February 2010, an earthquake measuring 8.8 on the Richter Scale destroyed huge areas of the Concepcion area of Chile, 325Km South West of the capital Santiago. A great number of lives were lost in both the inital quake and the subsequent after-shocks.
On the 8th April next month, PLACEBO arrive in Chile to play the Santiago Movistar Arena, and to show their support, the band have confirmed that all profit from the show in Santiago will be donated to helping the organisations responsible for the relief effort and the mammoth task of rebuilding the devastated areas:
Brian Molko, speaking to Chilean radio station Sonar 105.7 fm, confirmed that 100% of the profits from the show in Santiago, will be donated to an organization responsible for managing the money gathered in helping to benefit those affected by the 27/02 quake.
"It was impossible for us to come to Chile and simply say 'hello, we are Placebo, we know that you have recently experienced a terrible time, had a natural disaster with many of lost homes and lost lives, but hey!, give us your money'. We could never do that. Therefore, we have decided to donate all the profits from the show in Santiago for the reconstruction that has begun out in Chile"
You can visit the below website of the official aid coordination via local media in Chile:
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