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CoToReP a écrit:
j'ai commandé les 3 versions
et je vais recevoirs 3 colis differents !
je viens de recevoir un mail à 18h15
Ils font pas un seul colis pour les 3? (ça me rassure pas...)
Moi j'ai toujours pas de mail...
Et vous pensez tous qu'on va le recevoir avant?
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sweetqueen a écrit:
CoToReP a écrit:
j'ai commandé les 3 versions
et je vais recevoirs 3 colis differents !
je viens de recevoir un mail à 18h15Ils font pas un seul colis pour les 3? (ça me rassure pas...)
Moi j'ai toujours pas de mail...
Et vous pensez tous qu'on va le recevoir avant?
Tout ce que je commande en Angleterre, 2 jours max de délai...
Et comme le 1er et le 2 c'est férié en Belgique, je suppose qu'ils vont essayer que ça arrive avant
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docteur a écrit:
sweetqueen a écrit:
CoToReP a écrit:
j'ai commandé les 3 versions
et je vais recevoirs 3 colis differents !
je viens de recevoir un mail à 18h15Ils font pas un seul colis pour les 3? (ça me rassure pas...)
Moi j'ai toujours pas de mail...
Et vous pensez tous qu'on va le recevoir avant?Tout ce que je commande en Angleterre, 2 jours max de délai...
Et comme le 1er et le 2 c'est férié en Belgique, je suppose qu'ils vont essayer que ça arrive avant
Oui et la marmotte, elle met le chocolat dans le papier alu
Nan mais j'espère aussi le recevoir avant (puis d'abord on n'en sait rien pour la marmotte, finalement... )
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"When we were kids and I have seen many Brian live at the Brixton Academy in London, a terrific location. While we were in the crowd during the concert, my friend kept saying: 'One day we too will go up on that stage, you'll see. We will be the star. '" And the dream of those two guys is to say the least realized. Starring Brian Molko and Stefan history Olsdal, respectively, vocals and bass / guitar Placebo. Exit on 31 October, "We Come In Pieces" DVD that collects images of the last date of the "Battle for the Sun Tour", produced by their own band at the Brixton Academy. Rockol reached Stefan Olsdal who told us the experience of the tour just ended, including memories of the beginnings and future plans of the band. "The title 'We Come In pieces' comes from a play on words created before a concert tour of the many 'Battle For The Sun', by our drummer. When we go onstage we reach the peace of mind, 'We Come in Peace'. Performing for us is to achieve the highest of emotions, download power and accumulate wealth. Another meaning is united with our lineup when we play live: are six of us and it's really amazing the sound that we were able to achieve with this line 'on stage'. And 'the apotheosis, the perfection for us. We are six entities that combine to create a melody, very poetic right? But is the real vision of what is happening. On stage we complement one another, and it is unbelievable, "says the musician. Placebo are toured for two years, have traveled the world, having the opportunity to meet fans and actually very different: "Being around for so long makes you a little 'lose track of many things, but having the chance to see beautiful places and learn about cultures different from yours, it makes you forget about stress and fatigue. We were able to appreciate the beauty of Europe, in particular memory location in which we played two that were not palaces, but old buildings, it was beautiful. The Old Continent is rich in history and charm. But landscapes like those seen in Cambodia or China or Malaysia will leave you breathless. Colors, sounds and smells that you can not find anywhere else. Much different scenario than they are fans: in Europe we are overwhelmed by the warmth of the people, the boys sing a lot and participate in concerts. Our Asian audiences, however, is fairly quiet, prefers to listen. And 'their own way of being and expressing their appreciation. To us it may seem strange, it is normal for them, "says Olsdal. "We Come In Pieces" includes the whole concert held at the Brixton Placebo, and Stefan recalls how he and Brian wanted limestone that stage: "We have kept intact the live recordings, was the last date of a tour immense and we did not want to cut even a moment. The Brixton Academy is a magical place for us. And 'the second time that record there, you know? The first time was when we played a cameo in the movie 'Velvet Goldmine', crazy experience. I remember how many concerts I saw Brian at Brixton, The Smashing Pumpkins, for example, and how many times have we dreamed of getting on that stage. And we did it, now legendary performance in this place does not count anymore. And to think that the first live with Brian I remember like it was yesterday we were in a pub in south London, I admit that in that place I would never have gone if we had not called to play. We were not 'Placebo', then it would arrive a little later. Above the pub there was a small recording studio, and that night Jamie Hince of the Kills was recording with his first band. Back to us, we decided to do something unusual: we played with the toy instruments. In that smoky and deserted, though there were ten people was so, for the first time we played 'Teenage Angst', a song that kicked off the writing of our first album. Brian and I still laugh at us, we wanted to do avant-garde artists, "adds bassist. Stefan talks about his relationship with Molko: "Me and Brian have known each other a long time, I would say for a lifetime. We play in the same group for almost twenty years, we grew up together personally and artistically. Our secret is as bad in the alchemy that occurs when we write and chemistry that we can trigger on stage. Being a team means working together to make music, be able to understand each other to achieve the end result and find the perfect balance. We are very pleased with the arrival of Steve (Forrest) in the band. It's going all right with him, is an excellent musician and has set completely. He has brilliantly passed the 'acid test': his first gig with us was in Holland in front of thousands of people and was very good. " Currently the band is working on a new album and is recovering from the fatigue of the tour: "We are working on a new album but I can not say anything about it, I'm not a liar and I would not tell untruths. In the meantime, we can rest a little ', after two years I'd say we deserve it around, right? "Says Olsdal.
Dernière modification par Kitty*Girl (28-10-2011 00:37:16)
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CoToReP a écrit:
toujours rien snif
j'espere demain
je vais bruler un cierge
Prie Sainte-Rita, c'est la Sainte Patronne des causes désespérées qu'elle nous file un coup de main
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zebbra a écrit:
CoToReP a écrit:
toujours rien snif
j'espere demain
je vais bruler un ciergePrie Sainte-Rita, c'est la Sainte Patronne des causes désespérées qu'elle nous file un coup de main
Le facteur ne passe pas le samedi en Belgique....
Ce sera pour lundi...pffff
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zebbra a écrit:
Ils feraient pas le pont à la Poste par dessus le marché ??
Ne parle pas de malheur stp...
Moi je le fais à la Mairie donc ça se peut bien
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Psychosis a écrit:
Arrêtez de chougner les gens, moi j'ai commandé le DVD pour mon anniv' qui ne me parviendra qu'au repas de famille le 11 novembre Donc ce topic va bientôt être à éviter comme la peste pour moi
Allez, disons-nous que l'attente ne rendra que meilleure la découverte... mais bon, quand même... je "chougne" un peu
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Dernière modification par sweetqueen (28-10-2011 20:16:20)
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sweetqueen a écrit:
Dites moi tous ceux qui ont reçu le dvd ont bien reçu un mail avant?
Parce que moi j'ai toujours pas de mail...
Moi juste un mail mardi soir...
et pour info je ne râle pas je me renseigne et je donne mes infos
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docteur a écrit:
zebbra a écrit:
Ils feraient pas le pont à la Poste par dessus le marché ??
Ne parle pas de malheur stp...
Moi je le fais à la Mairie donc ça se peut bien
Eh non les postiers (dont je suis) bossent Lundi...... mais je ne prends pas les réclamations!!!!!
Dernière modification par molkofan59 (29-10-2011 11:51:02)
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sweetqueen a écrit:
Dites moi tous ceux qui ont reçu le dvd ont bien reçu un mail avant?
Parce que moi j'ai toujours pas de mail...
Pareil ....
@Minane : Il sera normalement dispo en magasin le jour de sa sortie
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