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Nathy a écrit:
If you've got a better one, feel free to share.
Why not but I wouldn't dare. First, Brian's mom is from Scotland, not Irish. There are other mistakes but not to make an earthquake or the end of the world which is not the point. Just wanted to say that Placebo is supposed to be a British band, let's try to read or hear in pure English instead of a so so translantion, coz I've read a few coms that misunderstand some messages and then we've got stupid reactions. Anyway, I agree I'm not here to educate French people about English as we've got a very good teacher named Brian Molko who can speak several languages very fluently and who's really good at French. Well, you know? It's good to have a really good Placebo French site and Placebo.City is. So forgive me if I've annoyed you, I didn't want to. I suppose you wished MolkoFourOh. So let's celebrate his 40th birthday and the honour he received this month. Merry Xmas. LOve
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Just wanted to say that Placebo is supposed to be a British band, let's try to read or hear in pure English instead of a so so translantion,
I guess that for those who don't speak English, even a so-so translation is better than nothing
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Agathe_Zeblues a écrit:
Just wanted to say that Placebo is supposed to be a British band, let's try to read or hear in pure English instead of a so so translantion,
I guess that for those who don't speak English, even a so-so translation is better than nothing
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Agathe_Zeblues a écrit:
Just wanted to say that Placebo is supposed to be a British band, let's try to read or hear in pure English instead of a so so translantion,
I guess that for those who don't speak English, even a so-so translation is better than nothing
I agree " a so so translation is better than nothing" but a good translation is better. As you post in English I think you understand, don't you?
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Nathy a écrit:
Et puisque visiblement tu es francophone (ou du moins tu comprends le français), je me permets de te répondre en français : pour l'erreur irlandaise/écossaise, c'est corrigé, faute d'inattention. Pour le reste, comme l'a dit Agathe, nous traduisons pour permettre à ceux qui n'ont pas la chance de pouvoir comprendre le "pure English" comme tu dis, puisque nous sommes sur un site francophone. Si tu repères d'autres fautes, merci de nous en faire part
Ok, sorry ,I didn't want to annoy you. As I posted a few hours ago, Placebo City is the best Placebo French site, thanks to you. I used to go to XS of Placebo which was really good, but: Game Over a few years ago. As for English it's really a shame that French people are very reluctant as in so many countries people speak and read English and other foreign languages fluently. Anyway I think that most Placebo fans make an effort to understand the lyrics and feel how clever, poetical,deep and sublime Brian's words are. He's a good teacher, trust me. See you. Good night. :
Dernière modification par penny (23-12-2012 02:04:36)
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penny a écrit:
Agathe_Zeblues a écrit:
Just wanted to say that Placebo is supposed to be a British band, let's try to read or hear in pure English instead of a so so translantion,
I guess that for those who don't speak English, even a so-so translation is better than nothing
I agree " a so so translation is better than nothing" but a good translation is better. As you post in English I think you understand, don't you?
Then feel free to offer one
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penny a écrit:
As for English it's really a shame that French people are very reluctant as in so many countries people speak and read English and other foreign languages fluently.
Yes yes, et puis c'est bien connu les anglophones speak parfaitement les langues étrangères
Bref, en d'autres termes plus barbares je dirai que "tu te la racontes un peu" euh pardon "you're snobbish" et sinon WHO CARES?....le "personnel" de placebocity fait du très bon boulot, je ne pense pas que ce soit leur occupation première ni qu'ils n'aient eu de formation de traducteur.
Et puis ok, c'est poétique, c'est recherché blabla mais bon, faut pas déconner, Placebo c'est pas non plus Shakespeare!!
Dernière modification par JinJin (24-12-2012 12:08:37)
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Dernière modification par JinJin (24-12-2012 14:36:50)
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evalia4 a écrit:
tout çà c'est bullshit L'intervention de Penny est tout sauf constructive si la traduction ne lui sied pas qu'elle en propose une meilleure version Pour ma part je trouve qu'il y avait pas de quoi en chier un big ben...
les traductions sur city sont toujours top pour moi, mais bon je suis pas une englishspoken so
Oh put*** j'vais la noter celle-là
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yhtac69 a écrit:
Merci beaucoup pour la traduction.
C'est un bel hommage pour Brian. Il m'avait semblé intimidé sur la vidéo. Je comprend mieux maintenant.
Oui , un bel hommage pour Brian et je comprendS... Je suis chiante... I know....... Merry Xmas baby.
Edit Camille_ : Merci pour tes voeux par dizaine, mais on se contentera d'un seul message de ce genre pour ce soir. Joyeux Noël à toi aussi, y'know.
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Dernière modification par Bird eye view (25-12-2012 15:21:43)
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withoutyou a écrit:
Vous croyez qu'il a eut un balais (Non pas là ou vous pensez... ) pour pouvoir voler?... Il est beau le nouveau H.P. Bref!!.. blagues a part, il semble être un poil perdu le garçon sans ses potos!!!... Cérémonie émouvante et touchante. Bravo l'ami.
Et moi, quand est-ce que mon ancien lycée va me donner une distinction?.. je suis le seul a être resté aussi longtemps dans ce lieux. J'ai redoublé 5 fois. (C'est pas une blagounette).
Dernière modification par battleforthehearth (22-04-2013 16:17:59)
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