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Dernière modification par Angelic Bitch (24-06-2013 21:59:49)
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Angelic Bitch a écrit:
Can someone please translate in english the entire interview?
That would be awesome for people who don't speak french![]()
I'll will try to do it tomorrow, if nobody has already done it (but it will be in my broken English so be prepared ^^)
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Dernière modification par Bird eye view (25-06-2013 09:28:41)
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Angelic Bitch a écrit:
Can someone please translate in english the entire interview?
That would be awesome for people who don't speak french![]()
Here's the translation. I did my best. Be indulgent please
Interviewer : It's a privilege to recieve Placebo. Brian, Stefan, Steve.They're here with us to talk about their new album which will be released on the 16th september, Loud Like Love. We'll also talk about the tour, they'll play in Bercy in Paris.
You met in 1994. Next year, it will be your birthday. 20 years. Have you already planned surprises, to mark the occasion ?
Brian : Yeah, we're going to eat sushi.
Interviewer : Will you invite all your fans ?
Brian : we won't invite Steve at all !
Interviewer : I think we won't know what they're planning for their 20th anniversary. But you have done loads of hits. What's your favorite hit of Placebo since 1994 ? That's a hard question ! We won't go until you don't answer that question.
Brian : What's yours ?
Intervewer : Mine is Special K.
Brian : Yeah.
Intervewer : I like it.
Brian : I like something darker maybe... Erm ...
Stefan : For us, it's still the new album, more... refreshing.
Brian : I'm quite proud of our last single on the new album.
Intervewer : To be relesased on the 16th september. Steve ?
Steve : Well, it’s tough, because obviously, you know, um, not being there from the beginning I actually have an outsider’s sort of look on it, um… I think I’m partial to Loud Like Love if I’m honest. But…it’s also biased because we did it together, yeah – I always loved Drag as well, I like that song.
(a guy translates what Steve's just said)
Interviewer : We're going to talk about Loud Like Love. After a 20 years career, it will be available on the 16th of September. It's an amazing come back you're doing. Are you excited by this album ? Excited by your new baby ?
Brian : The new baby. Actually, Loud Like Love (Bruyant comme L'amour in french) can be interpreted on different level. It could talk about the physical act of love, even about a new born child for example. Well, yeah, we're excited by our new baby.
Interviewer : Can you talk about the music ? Is it a mixture of what you played in the past or is it a turning point in your career ?
Brian : This time, I think we already said all we wanted in the past 20 years. We've taken the best of it.
Interviewer : The best of the best.
Brian : I hope so.
Interviewer : And what's your inspiration for this album ? Special moments in life ? By someone or artists ?
Brian : These are stories inspired about real facts or real emotions. This is a work of writing. I don't use my diary, I would tear and use for doing songs. The process of writing is something really important to me. There's a theme throughout the album and this theme is loud like love. We have been chosen by love, and not the opposite. We haven't intentionally chosen that theme. It's the most popular topic in music and in art. It could have been a cliché. That's a theme people wouldn't expect Placebo to deal with.
Interviewer : I have a question. After 7 albums and millions of album sold, will you be under pressure on the 16th September, wondering if it works ?
Brian : Well... Thinking about the last album...I think it can be easy because lots of time passes by before the album is released.
Interviewer : the promo for the released date.
Brian : Yeah, that's it. We meet up at noon and ... *laughs*
Interviewer : Too Many Friends, can you talk about it ? Is it your favourite track of the album ?
Brian : Wow. I don't know. It's a song questioning connection. Is it something which make people more close or just create more social anxiety. Are we.... *laughs*
The interviewer said he's proud to receive them and launches the song.
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svtm a écrit:
d'avance un grand merci pour celui ou celle qui voudra bien l'uploader !!!
desolé j'etais pas devant mon ordi pour l'enregistrer snif
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CoToReP a écrit:
svtm a écrit:
d'avance un grand merci pour celui ou celle qui voudra bien l'uploader !!!
desolé j'etais pas devant mon ordi pour l'enregistrer snif
c'est pas grave... j'espère que tu as au moins pu l'écouter !
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placebomolko a écrit:
Il parlait d'un live hier... Too many friends ? J'espère !!
T'es sérieuse ? esperons une nouvelle plutôt !!
Dernière modification par thibus (26-06-2013 21:30:39)
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