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Placebo sur Maximonline, Moscou

Drapeau svtm Entre les deux ;)
Harder, Faster, Forever Posteur
Lieu: Mother Earth
Anniversaire: (Information inconnue)
Date d'inscription: 02-06-2007
Messages: 2942

#1 07-06-2016 15:37:41

Placebo sur Maximonline, Moscou

Entretien avec Placebo en Russie sur Maximonline : l'interview sera disponible sur leur chaîne YouTube en juillet. En tout cas, c'est ce que Bing traduit... Donc en attendant, nous avons le droit à un petit clip... Si quelqu'un d'autre a compris différemment, je suis preneuse !

Vous avez dit "Super héros" ?

Lien chaîne Youtube

Merci pfww...

"Beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothes, but inwardly, they are ravening wolves"

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Drapeau Aurel Mdt Femme
Taste in post
Lieu: Nancy
Anniversaire: 01 octobre 1986
Date d'inscription: 29-04-2016
Messages: 224

#2 08-06-2016 09:22:31

Re: Placebo sur Maximonline, Moscou

Merci pour les news ! ça fait plaisir de les voir en forme. Retour de la coupe 2003 et 2006 smile

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Drapeau svtm Entre les deux ;)
Harder, Faster, Forever Posteur
Lieu: Mother Earth
Anniversaire: (Information inconnue)
Date d'inscription: 02-06-2007
Messages: 2942

#3 08-06-2016 17:14:55

Re: Placebo sur Maximonline, Moscou

Oui cela fait plaisir ! Bon, moi je ne suis pas fan de la coupe...  non

"Beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothes, but inwardly, they are ravening wolves"

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NathBri51 Femme
Postage Angst
Lieu: Reims
Anniversaire: (Information inconnue)
Date d'inscription: 05-08-2015
Messages: 93

#4 09-06-2016 09:36:53

Re: Placebo sur Maximonline, Moscou

Moi, j'adore, je ne l'ai jamais aimé avec les cheveux longs !  wink

Your eyes forever glued to mine...

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Drapeau molkofan59 Femme
Lieu: dins ch'nord
Anniversaire: 25 juin
Date d'inscription: 25-08-2010
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@Didille_R sur Twitter

#5 09-06-2016 17:18:36

Re: Placebo sur Maximonline, Moscou

NathBri51 a écrit:

Moi, j'adore, je ne l'ai jamais aimé avec les cheveux longs !  wink

Je plussoie et je  icon_latest_reply *fin du HS*

Put your hands in the air,
and wave them like you give a f**k!!!

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Démarcheuse ès concerts
Anniversaire: (Information inconnue)
Date d'inscription: 09-12-2013
Messages: 1629

#6 10-06-2016 19:46:22

Re: Placebo sur Maximonline, Moscou

Dans le topic de l'Urgant show wink

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Drapeau svtm Entre les deux ;)
Harder, Faster, Forever Posteur
Lieu: Mother Earth
Anniversaire: (Information inconnue)
Date d'inscription: 02-06-2007
Messages: 2942

#7 05-07-2016 16:37:13

Re: Placebo sur Maximonline, Moscou

Mirror Trap ?

On attend l'intégralité de l'entretien...  ok

"Beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothes, but inwardly, they are ravening wolves"

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Sinead Femme
Taste in post
Lieu: Bordeaux
Anniversaire: 07 septembre 1992
Date d'inscription: 22-03-2013
Messages: 185

#8 03-08-2016 17:55:03

Re: Placebo sur Maximonline, Moscou

J'espere qu'il restera comme ça, on dirait il a rajeuni de 10 ans. Incroyable.

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Drapeau svtm Entre les deux ;)
Harder, Faster, Forever Posteur
Lieu: Mother Earth
Anniversaire: (Information inconnue)
Date d'inscription: 02-06-2007
Messages: 2942

#9 24-09-2016 23:19:15

Re: Placebo sur Maximonline, Moscou

Ah, ah, ah !!! La bonne blague ? Elle a été attendue (par moi) longtemps cette interview...  panpan  Donc, voici la vidéo... EN RUSSE... Si quelqu'un peut traduire, merci d'avance... Bon, on a les images (qui datent du coup de juillet)... Heu, bon visionnage ? 

"Beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothes, but inwardly, they are ravening wolves"

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Drapeau Salamander Femme
Battle for the Posts
Anniversaire: (Information inconnue)
Date d'inscription: 22-09-2015
Messages: 560

#10 25-09-2016 21:15:03

Re: Placebo sur Maximonline, Moscou

lol  lol  Ca vaut quand même son pesant de cacahouettes rien que pour entendre Brian parler avec cette voix grave !!!

Sinon vous pouvez trouver la VO et une retranscription écrite sur la page facebook de PlaceboFansPeru  cool

Merci les copaings !

Brian ce serait bien de laisser la parole à ton collègue de temps en temps  ok

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Drapeau svtm Entre les deux ;)
Harder, Faster, Forever Posteur
Lieu: Mother Earth
Anniversaire: (Information inconnue)
Date d'inscription: 02-06-2007
Messages: 2942

#11 26-09-2016 18:56:58

Re: Placebo sur Maximonline, Moscou

Salamander a écrit:

lol  lol  Ca vaut quand même son pesant de cacahouettes rien que pour entendre Brian parler avec cette voix grave !!!

Sinon vous pouvez trouver la VO et une retranscription écrite sur la page facebook de PlaceboFansPeru  cool

Merci les copaings !

Brian ce serait bien de laisser la parole à ton collègue de temps en temps  ok

Il y a bien une retranscription, mais pas de VO... !

"Beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothes, but inwardly, they are ravening wolves"

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Drapeau Salamander Femme
Battle for the Posts
Anniversaire: (Information inconnue)
Date d'inscription: 22-09-2015
Messages: 560

#12 27-09-2016 08:20:25

Re: Placebo sur Maximonline, Moscou

Oui désolée je me suis un peu laissée emportée et emmelée les pinceaux !!!  timide  transpi
Il va falloir se contenter de ça pour le moment.

C'est moi qui rève ou l'interview n'est pas complète ? C'est l'impression que ça me laisse en tout cas.

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Démarcheuse ès concerts
Anniversaire: (Information inconnue)
Date d'inscription: 09-12-2013
Messages: 1629

#13 27-09-2016 12:56:17

Re: Placebo sur Maximonline, Moscou

J'en ai l'impression également.

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Drapeau svtm Entre les deux ;)
Harder, Faster, Forever Posteur
Lieu: Mother Earth
Anniversaire: (Information inconnue)
Date d'inscription: 02-06-2007
Messages: 2942

#14 27-09-2016 17:22:44

Re: Placebo sur Maximonline, Moscou

Je n'arrive pas à faire abstraction de la voix en russe...

Transcript :

Brian: He made the same video? It’s okay. For me it’s like, y’know, okay, he has good taste, y’know? … Can you imagine? Joss Stone stole my lyrics from Pure Morning… Zappa said… Frank Zappa… He said: Good artists borrow, great artists steal.

Hi, we’re Placebo and we’re on MAXIM

Brian: It’s… [a very interesting subject] … because everything is influenced by everything, y’know. We were influenced by Depeche Mode, Sonic Youth, the Pixies, Nirvana…
Stefan: everything from A to Z – from Abba to Zappa.
Brian: I’m inspired by the Stooges, y’know, Iggy Pop’s band from the 60s and early 70s. And then his Berlin period, the two albums that he recorded with David Bowie. We were inspired very much by David Bowie. David Bowie played a very important part in our lives. We were lucky enough to know him, to spend time with him, to learn from him. And then there’s Lou Reed. He is just an incredible poet and songwriter. And of course there’s the Beatles. Starting from Rubber Soul… Revolver, Rubber Soul and Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band… from late 60s onwards. For me, the Beatles changed music forever. The same way that Nirvana changed music forever. Things will never be the same after these bands exist, with their level of innovation… There’s always an argument between who’s better – the Stones or the Beatles… Y’know, the Stones, they’re a good blues band, y’know. But the Beatles became like abstract expressionist painters, they became like Kandinsky, or Tchaikovsky, y’know?

Brian: Oh, there’s a very good new band called The Mirror Trap. Hey guys! Say hello from us.
Stefan: Good luck! ….
Brian: Wish you luck, wish we were there! … We miss you!
Mirror Trap: oh god! fuck!

Brian: There’s a movie which I think should’ve won an Oscar. It’s called The Room. Most of it takes place in a room which is half the size of this one. And this young mother with a six-year-old son stays locked in this room for seven years. It’s incredible. It absolutely blew my mind. It got me*snap* from the moment it started until the moment it ended. It’s amazing, an amazing film. There’s also a German film called Victoria. It’s like a crime film. But the entire movie is shot in one take, no edits, all in one take…… Cheerful? They’re both cheerful!

Brian: I went to see the latest Alvin and the Chipmunks movie. Because I have a little boy. Normally we go to see superhero movies like Captain America or Batman vs Superman or X-Men, things like that. But he really wanted to see Alvin and the Chipmunks. I… I’m a big fan of science fiction. For me to see a movie like X-Men it’s cool, because it’s escapism, but it’s a crazy world, so, yeah, I see a lot of superhero movies. And I go to see them with my little man and then I watch documentaries with my girlfriend.

Brian: Yes, I play Plants vs Zombies. We play together, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Me and my little man, we play Plant vs Zombies together, yeah.

Brian: Wow. I mean, everybody knows Dostoyevsky and everybody knows Leo Tolstoy. I like The Idiot. It’s fantastic…. I haven’t had the courage to try to get through Crime and Punishment, ahahah, y’know. Seems like it requires a lot of commitment.

Brian: When I was at school I was very-very interested by the… y’know… by the Russian revolution. And as I was growing up… from a teenager… from the outside, y’know, I saw perestroika and the fall of the Berlin wall. And then a few years later we started travelling and that’s when we were able to come to Russia…, we could come to former USSR countries. And we kept going back and we’ve seen the evolution, how things changed. Especially since the birth of the Internet. But I’ve noticed that there are a lot of Internet sites in Russia that are blocked.

Brian: All the artists or activists they say “No, we don’t want to leave Russia, we want to stay here and we want to provoke change with our art, cause we’re Russian. So we don’t want to run away to another country. We want to stay and we want to make art about real people and about real things and about real Russia and not the one that you see on the news”. It’s not only what you see about Russia on the news is bad. Everything you see on the news is bad. Everything about England, everything about the United States, it’s all bad. News is bad news.

Stefan: I remember one Russian musician I met, he was a very interesting musician ‘cause he was a throat singer and at the same time he plays something like a flute. The way he played was absolutely new to me. I haven’t seen anything like that before. So with music it’s always very important to keep an open mind. Cause there is so much music out there that must be heard.

Brian: Well anything by Alex Gibney is very good. He made a documentary about Iraq. He made a documentary about the church of scientology. A documentary about Lance Armstrong, the cyclist. He’s a very very interesting documentarist in my opinion.

Stefan: Yeah, if we speak about music, there are several classics among music documentaries like Radiohead’s Meeting People is Easy and also about Scott Walker called 30 Century Man, which for me as a musician is very inspiring.

Stefan: The feeling that I got from artists that I met… there were also street artists… as I was speaking to them… When they talk about what they do, they speak about it with such a way that I am drawn into what they’re saying and I start to see their way of seeing the world, cause essentially art is a form of expression and every artist has their own way of expression. It’s a very personal language. So for me just to spend time with them and experience … the process of sculpting or their … hanging up of paintings in the street with me… to be part of that process, this experience, it enriched me. And I think that it’s probably the most important part of any art form, that it allows you to see things in a slightly different way that maybe you never thought of before.

Source  icon_latest_reply Placebo News,GIFs and Archives

"Beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothes, but inwardly, they are ravening wolves"

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