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Hello from Greece

Drapeau dikano2 Homme
Postage Angst
Lieu: Greece
Anniversaire: 05 août 1984
Date d'inscription: 19-09-2016
Messages: 60

#1 26-09-2016 16:16:25

Hello from Greece

Hello from Greece guys. I have just find out this forum about my favourite band. Really nice forum. See u around.

Hors ligne

Drapeau svtm Entre les deux ;)
Harder, Faster, Forever Posteur
Lieu: Mother Earth
Anniversaire: (Information inconnue)
Date d'inscription: 02-06-2007
Messages: 2942

#2 26-09-2016 19:05:37

Re: Hello from Greece

Welcome on City, dikano2biere  Sorry that English Summer Rain ( sub-forum in English) is closed...

"Beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothes, but inwardly, they are ravening wolves"

Hors ligne

Drapeau Salamander Femme
Battle for the Posts
Anniversaire: (Information inconnue)
Date d'inscription: 22-09-2015
Messages: 560

#3 27-09-2016 08:15:40

Re: Hello from Greece

Hello dikano2 !  biere

Hors ligne

Drapeau dikano2 Homme
Postage Angst
Lieu: Greece
Anniversaire: 05 août 1984
Date d'inscription: 19-09-2016
Messages: 60

#4 27-09-2016 15:53:40

Re: Hello from Greece

I didn't knew it that this section is closed.I just wanted to say hello from a new member.

Hors ligne

Simbaud Homme
Postage Angst
Lieu: Lyon
Anniversaire: 10 novembre 1995
Date d'inscription: 06-12-2015
Messages: 60

#5 27-09-2016 19:56:32

Re: Hello from Greece

Welcome home !  biere

Hors ligne

Drapeau dikano2 Homme
Postage Angst
Lieu: Greece
Anniversaire: 05 août 1984
Date d'inscription: 19-09-2016
Messages: 60

#6 28-09-2016 09:53:35

Re: Hello from Greece

Happy to find you guys....

Hors ligne

Drapeau molkofan59 Femme
Lieu: dins ch'nord
Anniversaire: 25 juin
Date d'inscription: 25-08-2010
Messages: 1505
@Didille_R sur Twitter

#7 28-09-2016 18:24:49

Re: Hello from Greece

Hello dikano2 !
Most of us can read and wrote in english, but it's a french forum, y'know?
Can you try to speak french ?  biere

Put your hands in the air,
and wave them like you give a f**k!!!

Hors ligne

Drapeau dikano2 Homme
Postage Angst
Lieu: Greece
Anniversaire: 05 août 1984
Date d'inscription: 19-09-2016
Messages: 60

#8 28-09-2016 20:11:21

Re: Hello from Greece

I forgot my French. Sorry guys. Is there any problem;

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