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hi.... :)

Drapeau special_k Entre les deux ;)
Taste in post
Lieu: Portugal
Anniversaire: 17 septembre 1982
Date d'inscription: 20-05-2006
Messages: 187

#1 02-06-2006 19:01:44

hi.... :)

Hello everyone! I'm from Portugal and I can't write french, so I write in english... hope that's ok!! big_smile 
My real name is fernando.... and i'm a very big (huge) fan of Placebo.... rock 
Your forum is really great, so I decided to join.... smile

i was never faithful and i was never one to trust....a product of a broken home...

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Drapeau marcie591
Protect me from what I post
Lieu: sur mars
Anniversaire: 06 août
Date d'inscription: 08-05-2006
Messages: 1327

#2 02-06-2006 19:02:29

Re: hi.... :)

welcome . biere

"je veux tout, tout suite, et je veux que ce soit aussi beau que quand j'étais petite"
shalalala shalalala

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Drapeau Elvine Femme
Fille d'Elvis Presley !!
Lieu: Belfort (90)
Anniversaire: 23 janvier 1988
Date d'inscription: 15-06-2005
Messages: 3553

#3 02-06-2006 19:03:56

Re: hi.... :)

Hello special_k !
You can see this topic  for all the fan who speak English wink

Harder, Faster, Forever After....

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Drapeau ashtray_princess Femme
And now my posts don't touch the ground
Lieu: Ailleurs...
Anniversaire: 05 août
Date d'inscription: 16-02-2006
Messages: 7555

#4 02-06-2006 19:07:14

Re: hi.... :)

Hello ! big_smile  Welcome among us biere

' Une Nouille sans barrière, c'est comme un Kiri sans bâton. ' big_smile

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Drapeau fpmip21 Homme
Posting in the Details
Lieu: Dijon (21)
Anniversaire: 21 août 1986
Date d'inscription: 31-05-2006
Messages: 426
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#5 02-06-2006 19:10:17

Re: hi.... :)

Welcome big_smile

xX I Take Pictures, Photographic Pictures Xx
Even the stars look brighter tonight... Nothing's impossible

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Sweet Lili Femme
Without posts I'm nothing
Lieu: Lyon
Anniversaire: 10 janvier 1983
Date d'inscription: 10-11-2005
Messages: 6596

#6 02-06-2006 19:10:34

Re: hi.... :)

welcome! smile

Thanks Placebo never die for the link! wink

Somethin’ filled up, my heart with nothin’, someone told me not to cry. But now that I’m older,my heart’s colder,
and I can see that it’s a lie.

Jolies choses.

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Drapeau special_k Entre les deux ;)
Taste in post
Lieu: Portugal
Anniversaire: 17 septembre 1982
Date d'inscription: 20-05-2006
Messages: 187

#7 02-06-2006 19:54:56

Re: hi.... :)

i've already seen that was suppose to do in that link...... panpan

i was never faithful and i was never one to trust....a product of a broken home...

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sisina Femme
Sci-fi Posteur
Lieu: Bourges
Anniversaire: 03 décembre 1979
Date d'inscription: 23-05-2006
Messages: 5440

#8 02-06-2006 20:15:31

Re: hi.... :)

welcome special_k!!!!biere

You know I dreamed about you.
I missed you for twenty-nine years.

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Drapeau Silverrrr Homme
KikiPod touch killer
Lieu: Lannion
Anniversaire: 02 octobre 1987
Date d'inscription: 23-01-2006
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#9 02-06-2006 20:17:48

Re: hi.... :)


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Drapeau Malinea Femme
Posting in the Details
Lieu: Budapest-Hongrie
Anniversaire: 20 août 1985
Date d'inscription: 29-05-2006
Messages: 319
Site web

#10 02-06-2006 20:56:04

Re: hi.... :)

i've already said :hi in the english topic
but :biere

12th June 2006 Puskas Ferenc Stadion , Hungary
14th aug 2006: Sziget Festival Hungary
4th July 2007, Hodokvas Festival, Slovakia- best gig ever!!
Placebo will be always in my heart coeur   STEFAN  IS MY PUPPY
Moderator for Placebo fans worldwide

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#11 02-06-2006 23:40:47

Re: hi.... :)

Welcome friend !! Extremely happy to see fans from everywhere in the world here now !! Enjoy wink
Drapeau rocketteee Femme
Harder, Faster, Forever Posteur
Lieu: 66
Anniversaire: 01 août
Date d'inscription: 15-06-2005
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#12 03-06-2006 09:53:47

Re: hi.... :)

HellOow, and welcome tongue

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Broken-Flower Femme
Battle for the Posts
Lieu: Montpellier
Anniversaire: 12 février
Date d'inscription: 11-05-2006
Messages: 585

#13 03-06-2006 09:57:53

Re: hi.... :)

Welcome !!!

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Drapeau TriS.h*- Homme
Post in tongues
Anniversaire: 16 avril 1985
Date d'inscription: 15-06-2005
Messages: 3074

#14 03-06-2006 10:29:20

Re: hi.... :)

special_k a écrit:

Hello everyone! I'm from Portugal and I can't write french, so I write in english... hope that's ok!! big_smile 
My real name is fernando.... and i'm a very big (huge) fan of Placebo.... rock 
Your forum is really great, so I decided to join.... smile

Thanks for placebo city and welcome here (you have got a nice avatar)

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Drapeau Désillusion Femme
And now my posts don't touch the ground
Lieu: Avignon
Anniversaire: 09 décembre 1991
Date d'inscription: 10-03-2006
Messages: 7115
Site web

#15 03-06-2006 11:17:49

Re: hi.... :)

Welcome smile!

¤ Oups, je crois que je hais le monde entier ¤

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Drapeau lafraisencolere Femme
Posting in the Details
Lieu: London
Anniversaire: 10 août 1985
Date d'inscription: 05-03-2006
Messages: 338

#16 03-06-2006 11:57:13

Re: hi.... :)

Welcome!! So glad  that fans from the whole world are joining our little community!! Feel at home here!

What happened to us, what happened to me,
What happened as I let it slip...

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vero.nm Femme
Taste in post
Lieu: Nord-est
Anniversaire: 19 juillet 1982
Date d'inscription: 10-04-2006
Messages: 191 sur Twitter

#17 03-06-2006 12:01:08

Re: hi.... :)

Welcome into Placebo city, it's a pleasure:biere: biere

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Drapeau YourSweetPrince Homme
English Posteur Rain
Lieu: In the city or the suburbs...
Anniversaire: 02 août 1984
Date d'inscription: 21-03-2006
Messages: 4356
Site web

#18 03-06-2006 20:53:11

Re: hi.... :)

Bienvenue. Have you seen placebo @ Super Bock festival ?
I have lot of portuguese friends. where do you live ?

S'ameliorer soi-même c'est de la masturbation...

Hors ligne

Drapeau special_k Entre les deux ;)
Taste in post
Lieu: Portugal
Anniversaire: 17 septembre 1982
Date d'inscription: 20-05-2006
Messages: 187

#19 03-06-2006 21:24:03

Re: hi.... :)

YourSweetPrince wrote:

Bienvenue. Have you seen placebo @ Super Bock festival ?
I have lot of portuguese friends. where do you live ?

Yes i went to super rock fest. It was great... you can find my record in the topic of the festival....
i'm from Porto, north of portugal! Do you know it?

i was never faithful and i was never one to trust....a product of a broken home...

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Drapeau YourSweetPrince Homme
English Posteur Rain
Lieu: In the city or the suburbs...
Anniversaire: 02 août 1984
Date d'inscription: 21-03-2006
Messages: 4356
Site web

#20 03-06-2006 22:08:58

Re: hi.... :)

i've never been in portugal but i have a friend in university in portugal, one of the most famous... i don't remember the name...

S'ameliorer soi-même c'est de la masturbation...

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Drapeau Aurèl Femme
Lieu: Près de Nancy (54)
Anniversaire: 01 octobre 1986
Date d'inscription: 03-04-2006
Messages: 3126
Site web

#21 04-06-2006 10:47:20

Re: hi.... :)

special_k a écrit:

Hello everyone! I'm from Portugal and I can't write french, so I write in english... hope that's ok!! big_smile 
My real name is fernando.... and i'm a very big (huge) fan of Placebo.... rock 
Your forum is really great, so I decided to join.... smile

Very good choice ! Welcome to the world of placebocity ! big_smile



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Drapeau Nathy Femme
Maire de Placebo City
Lieu: Closer to the shore.
Anniversaire: 27 juillet
Date d'inscription: 05-11-2005
Messages: 12582
Site web

#22 04-06-2006 11:24:10

Re: hi.... :)

So good to see a foreign fan big_smile
Have fun !

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