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Présentation des nouveaux membres » newbie here! » 09-03-2007 14:11:02

Thanks to all the above

Je parle francais aussi, pas de probleme...

Mrs Molko, I will definitely visit the English section! :-)

Présentation des nouveaux membres » newbie here! » 07-03-2007 22:50:55

new here, from london, french by birth but a londoner for the last 14 years! Have been into Placebo since 1998, saw them live 4 times, Brixton Academy 2000, Brixton Academy again Halloween 2001, on a small island in the south of france (voix du gaou festival july 2004) and yesterday at the coronet theatre in London ;-)
What can I say about yesterday? They played some of my favourite songs (I Know / Running Up That Hill / Twenty Years / Without You I'm Nothing), Brian wasn't very talkative and Stefan didn't say a word, they left without saying goodbye and didn't play for a 2nd encore even though most of the crowd stayed for a good 20mins asking them to come back... bit frustrating but it was a great little concert!

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