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The (real) cover of Meds, le cinquième album - page 4

Postage Angst
Lieu: Brest (Finistère)
Anniversaire: 11 mars 1985
Date d'inscription: 15-06-2005
Messages: 49

#91 23-01-2006 21:06:18

Re: The (real) cover of Meds, le cinquième album

Oh c'est joliment dit çai! Je suis tout à fait d'accord!
Et la pochette moi je l'ai tout de suite trouvée géniale! Fidèle à Placebo, et donc à ce tout ce que j'aime! J'ai vraiment hâte d'avoir enfin l'album entre mes mains...tonguetonguetongue

If you die I will die too...

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Drapeau Elvine Femme
Fille d'Elvis Presley !!
Lieu: Belfort (90)
Anniversaire: 23 janvier 1988
Date d'inscription: 15-06-2005
Messages: 3553

#92 29-01-2006 01:02:16

Re: The (real) cover of Meds, le cinquième album

Ché pas si vous avez vu mais sur le site off ya une espece de Biographie sur meds comme ils appelle ca...Je l'avais pas vu encore...hmm

Lien de La "biographie"

Harder, Faster, Forever After....

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Drapeau Heroin
Sleeping with posts
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#93 29-01-2006 10:20:30

Re: The (real) cover of Meds, le cinquième album

Ah non je n'avais pas vu non plus, merci ! smile

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#94 29-01-2006 12:05:06

Re: The (real) cover of Meds, le cinquième album

merci wink je l'avais pas vue non plus

#95 29-01-2006 13:18:58

Re: The (real) cover of Meds, le cinquième album

bah alors !! faut mieux regarder big_smile
l'annonce de presse est enfin prête aussi :



On 13 March Virgin Records will release Placebo’s new album, ‘Meds’.

‘Meds’ will be Placebo’s first studio album since 2004’s ‘Sleeping With Ghosts’, which went Top 10 in the UK and sold 1.4 million copies worldwide. In that time Placebo have gone from strength to strength selling out 10,000 capacity arena dates all over south and central America (Q Magazine witnessed this spectacle in Mexico, awarding it a 4-out-5 rating and describing it as “a dancefloor rammed with screaming teenagers, wobbling under the weight of 15,000 pogoing bodies.”), and playing to a sold out Wembley Arena to celebrate the release of their Singles Collection, Once More With Feeling, where they were joined on-stage by Robert Smith for a version of The Cure’s ‘Boys Don’t Cry’ and their very own, ‘Without You I’m Nothing’.

Recorded over an eight week period at London’s RAK Studios, ‘Meds’ marks the return of a very confident band who after 10 years together keep growing in stature. The first single from the album, ‘Because I Want You’, is an urgent, impassioned plea to not give up on love; three-and-a-half minutes of joyous pop, reminiscent of the band’s early work and a strong indication of what to expect from the rest of the album. For this album the band returned to their roots, stripped away the layers and got to the heart of being a live, confident rock band. This they’ve achieved with the help of producer Dimitri Tikovoi, who insisted they had to make their first record again and try everything. As Brian put it: “We allowed space for the songwriting to shine through rather than show up how clever we were and how good we’ve gotten at using the studio. We were going for simplicity rather than elaboration.”

The result is not just a molten, souped-up raw roar of a record, but also Placebo’s most human collection to date. Here are tales of fragile souls freaking out because they’ve forgotten to take their medication (‘Meds’, which features VV of The Kills), of the blear-eyed shame of the bathroom mirror in a narcotic comedown dawn (‘Cold Light Of Morning’), of “your friends who are making extremely bad lifestyle choices” (‘Song To Say Goodbye’), a beautiful, thoughtful ballad (‘Follow The Cops Back Home’), and mysterious, haunting songs (‘Space Monkey’). Here are stories - subtly unfolded - of loss, confusion, revenge, love, addiction and dependence.

The band will launch their world tour in S.E. Asia next month, at the Bangkok 100 Rock Festival, and arrive in the UK in April. They play Rock Am Ring/ Rock Im Park in Germany, 2nd and 4th June, co-headline the Friday night at the Isle of Wight Festival with The Prodigy on 9th June and then headline Nova Rock Festival in Austria on June 16th and Interlaken Festival, Switzerland, on June 17th. UK tour dates to be announced soon.

‘Meds’ will be preceded by the single ‘Because I Want You’ on 6 March.

Placebo are one of the UK’s most successful bands of the last 10 years, having sold one million albums in the UK and 6 million worldwide
ashtraykitsch Femme
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#96 29-01-2006 19:58:49

Re: The (real) cover of Meds, le cinquième album

merci placebo never die et molkoholic big_smile car moi j'avais pas vu non plus wink

Andheuuuuuuuuuu , You know??
In LONDON from March to July ^^

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Borderline Femme
Harder, Faster, Forever Posteur
Anniversaire: (Information inconnue)
Date d'inscription: 15-06-2005
Messages: 2143

#97 30-01-2006 09:16:31

Re: The (real) cover of Meds, le cinquième album

big_smile merci, j'avais même pas pensé à chercher tongue... "the most human" voilà qui a l'air de bien présager. big_smile

I need to wash myself again to hide all the pain and dirt
i'd been scared that there's nothing underneath
and who are my real friends?
have they all got the bends?
am I really sinking this low?

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Sweet Lili Femme
Without posts I'm nothing
Lieu: Lyon
Anniversaire: 10 janvier 1983
Date d'inscription: 10-11-2005
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#98 30-01-2006 14:19:13

Re: The (real) cover of Meds, le cinquième album

vi!!! c'est vrai qu'ils le vendent tres bien cet album!!! big_smile

Somethin’ filled up, my heart with nothin’, someone told me not to cry. But now that I’m older,my heart’s colder,
and I can see that it’s a lie.

Jolies choses.

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Drapeau Cleobriana Femme
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Date d'inscription: 15-06-2005
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#99 30-01-2006 19:59:49

Re: The (real) cover of Meds, le cinquième album

Sweet Lili a écrit:

vi!!! c'est vrai qu'ils le vendent tres bien cet album!!! big_smile

comme tous les autres... big_smile

Cleobriana Molkita ===> Placebo...mes mots...nos maux....

*plus c'est long plus c'est bon* tongue

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