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Clip Because I Want You en version intégrale. - page 2

Taste in post
Lieu: France, Belgique, UK
Anniversaire: 17 novembre 1965
Date d'inscription: 13-01-2006
Messages: 178
Site web

#31 03-02-2006 01:18:34

Re: Clip Because I Want You en version intégrale.

pour Keulig
Keulig Keulig Keulig Hourrahs !!!!!!!

*I'm in Alu, Mazeltov Shalom and Peace for All*

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#32 03-02-2006 08:25:56

Re: Clip Because I Want You en version intégrale.

pour Keulig
Drapeau lovebrian Femme
Postage Angst
Anniversaire: (Information inconnue)
Date d'inscription: 26-09-2005
Messages: 22

#33 03-02-2006 09:18:07

Re: Clip Because I Want You en version intégrale.

mille merci pour ce clip!
c'est excellent de les revoirs enfin!big_smile
vivement les concerts!!
vivement paléo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!tongue

indo à st Etienne en mars dernier;Placebo le 21/11 à Lyon,quelle année!!! wink

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belli.flore Femme
Posting in the Details
Lieu: Le Luc
Anniversaire: 18 juillet 1981
Date d'inscription: 15-06-2005
Messages: 353

#34 03-02-2006 09:35:32

Re: Clip Because I Want You en version intégrale.

Merci beaucoup pou la vidéo M. le Maire!!!
Il s'en dégage une très belle énergie, il était temps, ils m'avaient manqué! smile

************************************************PEACE, LOVE in the world*********************************************************

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#35 03-02-2006 12:13:41

Re: Clip Because I Want You en version intégrale.

Bandes d'ingrats ! La prochaine fois vous vous demerdez lol ( je loool (kikoo) clap your hands and say yeaaaah for da gran webmastah qui dort même plus le pauvre lol )

Pour cette vidéo ma foi un peu ... cheap big_smile je trouve qu'elle est batârde. Ni l'energie d'un grand concert, ni la chaleur des petites salles...

Bref, sinon je voulais vous mettre le témoignage de Rosie, modo sur le sweet forum, qui a fait partie des 6 personnes rappelées pour des shoots supplémentaires le soir-même et le lendemain et qui nous raconte sur son forum comment tout ça s'est passé (bacheliers à vos Harrap's, comme ça au moins vous aurez pas perdu votre temps sur le forum pour rien aujourd'hui)

Alex and a man called Russell (who turned out to be the director) were walking up and down the queue just before they opened the doors. They pointed at me and told me to go over to them. He asked me where I lived and when I was going home, I said I lived in Coventry and was going back that night. He then asked if I had anywhere to stay in London that night and I was just like “um, why?” He was really scaring me, I had no idea why they were asking me when I was going home and I really thought I must have done something wrong. Alex asked me if I was a really big Placebo fan and I just said “yes!” and then she asked if I wanted a bigger part in the video and I just couldn’t believe what was happening. They asked me to step outside of the queue and I asked Alex what was going on. She said “we’re not taking you backstage to meet the band or anything,” and I said “no, I mean with the video” and she said to just wait there and that it wasn’t definite yet.

Her and Russell walked down the queue pointing and picking out a few more people. Alex had told me that it wasn’t definite yet and I told everyone that but they were still uberly excited for me and I was really scared because I couldn’t get hold of my mum and I didn’t want to agree to staying in London an extra night until I’d checked with her if she was okay with that. I couldn’t understand (still can’t) why they’d chosen me, it was all so bizarre.

After a bit, Alex and Russell came back with 11 other people and they led us inside the venue. They took us up to the balcony and the place looked great. They stood us around in a circle and explained that they needed to narrow it down to 8 people to use in the video. They told us that it was very important that if we were unable to come back the next day for filming that we had to say so now as they didn’t want to be messed around. Everyone said they could go back the next day (we weren’t exactly going to turn the offer down, were we?). Russell then said that they were going to ask us to each say why we liked Placebo. He asked me first and I was terrified – I had no idea what to say and just rambled. I said something about how I can listen to them no matter how I’m feeling and that their music suits every mood and that I’ve loved them for 3 years.

He moved on to the next person and then a few more afterwards. I think he’d made his choice before even getting round everybody, which was a bit unfair, because he didn’t even ask everyone to speak before saying “I’ll choose 4 and you choose 4” to Alex. (They were going to have 8 of us but went for 6 in the end). Then he said “well, I definitely want you three” and pointed at me, a girl called Becca and a guy called Sam. He told us to go back a bit into the passageway that led out onto the balcony. There was a man who took down our names and phone numbers and then another 3 people came through. Apparently Alex hadn’t wanted to choose so Russell had chosen them too.

Someone gave the 6 of us release forms and explained that we had to sign them. It basically gave our consent for them to use footage of us “throughout the universe” and I thought that was pretty funny. A woman called Hera told us that she needed to give us the address of the place in Camden we had to get to the next day. Alex said that she really needed to take us to see Brian to make sure he was okay with the choices and they debated it for a while. Alex won and said “you’re going to meet Brian now, and I don’t want any of you to freak”. She led us back onto the balcony and I could see Brian on the other side. It was so incredibly weird and surreal. We walked over and he said hello to us. We each introduced ourselves, and when it was my turn he shook my hand, asked my name and then said “hi Rosie”. That was pretty much it, I couldn’t think of anything to say to him so I didn’t say anything, which I suppose is better than making a fool out of myself and coming over all fan-girlish.

He spoke to everyone a bit and told the person who’d be crowd surfing to “crowd surf responsibly”. I don’t really remember what else he said. He walked away then and I didn’t have the guts to take my phone out and get a picture of him on my phone or anything.

Hera then wrote out the address and her phone number for all of us on a bit of paper, she also made us save her number into our phones in case we lost the paper. They took our bags/coats off us so I was just in my tshirt. Russell asked Sam (who was in a wheelchair) if he’d ever crowd-surfed before and Sam said yes and that he loved to crowd-surf. They were going to let him but couldn’t for health and safety reasons. They asked Becca and I if we know each other and we said we didn’t (we’d been talking to each other a bit). Russell said he wanted us to pretend to be best friends and asked if we liked dancing. They took us downstairs to where everyone else now was and placed us in the crowd. He told Becca and I to basically go crazy, which we would’ve done anyway I’m sure! We were told that we should raise our hands when given a cue to do so, to let the camera men know where we were. Becca and I were put stage left about 3 rows back.

After a while, someone came on stage and explained that we weren’t allowed to take any pictures and that anyone seen doing so would be asked to leave. Then someone (Russell I think) came on and told the 6 of us to raise our hands. Loads more than 6 people put their hands up but Russell pointed out who we actually were. After a bit, Placebo came on stage and said hello. Everybody was shouting “thanks for the pizza!” and pretty much going generally mental. Brian told us that he wanted lots of crowd-surfing and then told us he was gonna have a go at stage-diving and that when he did, he wanted us to be respectful of his nether-regions and generally respectful of him.

They explained that the first couple of run throughs would be with the band being filmed, then the audience would be filmed the next couple of times. They mimed through it twice and the crowd went pretty crazy, it was awesome. They went off for a break and then they came back. The crowd were filmed the next couple of times, so Becca and I gave it our all. Then Brian jumped into the crowd and everyone leaned into him to try and touch him (I touched his foot, heh heh) and they ended up dropping him, he very nearly touched the ground but not quite. It was kind of funny, he was just down (practically on the floor) telling people to raise him back up and it took a while. He had this really hilarious look on his face when he was dropped. He finally got them to push him back over onto the stage. Brian thanked us for coming and for waiting in the cold all day, then they went back off stage for a break.

When they came back on it was to do a live set so I assumed I’d be ok to stand with my friends but during Meds (the first song) I was asked by someone to find Becca again and they filmed us quite a bit again. They did Bitter End which was craaaazy because everyone knew it more than the new stuff obviously. Then they played Nancy Boy and it was so awesome, it was brilliant and had so much energy. They played a couple more new songs, “Drag” and “One of a kind” – they sounded really good, I can’t wait for the album! Then they did Song To Say Goodbye which I loved live, and finished with Because I Want You (obviously we’d heard it lots, but only miming, was good to finish with). At the end, they thanked us all again, then stayed around to give autographs.

I needed to wait around to get my stuff and I didn’t know who to ask or where to go, I arranged with Becca to meet her the following morning and I saw Alex and asked her if she knew where I should go to get my stuff back. She said to wait where I was but Becca found me again and had got my stuff. We all went outside and said goodbye to each other, I promised to keep everyone updated with what happened the next day.

The next morning, I got a call from someone who said it was about the placebo video shoot and asked if I knew where I was going for 10am. I said I didn’t know, but was meeting Becca who knew, and they said that was fine and to ring them if there were any problems. I rang Becca at half 9 ish but it wouldn’t connect so I assumed she was on a tube. I then saw her coming out of the station a couple of minutes later. We went to find the place, she knew where it was and it wasn’t very far at all, just round a couple of corners. We were the first ones there. The place was pretty small and we probably wouldn’t have thought it was right if it wasn’t for a little “X-taster” sticker on the door. Becca had received a text giving her the registration plate number of the car we had to get into.

Ombeline and her friend arrived soon after us and then the car pulled up. We gave the driver Hera’s phone number (as he didn’t really seem to know what he was doing!!) and he rang her, then realised he’d left someone behind so we drove back to Camden to pick Andrew up. There’d been a mix up because they thought he’d be driving there but he wasn’t. Then we drove to Perivale. It took about 20 minutes. We got out and this youngish bloke called Sam met us and made sure we were there for the video. The place didn’t look that huge, it was in a street with a load of factory/warehouse type buildings. Sam took us inside and into the canteen and told us to help ourselves to tea and coffee. Will and Sam (the one in the video I mean, haha) were already there. Then we went upstairs to have our make up done. We were meant to look exactly as we had done the night before.

I ended up with a lot more makeup than I’d had on the night before but apparently it was necessary because there’d be close-ups. We went back to the canteen and sat down for a while. After a bit, Sam came back and took us through to the stage room. It was huge! It was also really cold in there. They were setting up cameras and stuff and they used Becca to test the set up for height. There was a projector and it was playing footage of the gig onto a brick wall. I watched the loop of it for a few times and it looked pretty cool. The part of Brian’s stage diving was especially amusing. It took quite a while to set up the cameras and we didn’t really have much to do during that time. Russell came over to us and asked us to think of a sentence that summed up what Placebo meant to us, and another to say what we’d thought after last night’s gig

After we’d eaten, Russell came and sat with us and asked us to tell him what he had. I had asked Em to ring me because I needed help, and I ended up with something like, “Placebo mean everything because they manage to express every emotion every fan has ever felt” and he said it was good but that I should make it more personal and say “…I’ve ever felt” instead. Everyone else said what they’d got, and then Russell asked us what we would say to the band if we had one chance to tell them something. So many things to think about, it was hard!

We went back into the stage room to start filming. Andrew went first (I think). What he had to do was stand still in front of this brick wall, staring at the camera (with no emotion, just blank staring) while the projector was playing footage of the crowd from the gig the night before onto his face. We were all watching on a little screen and it looked really good. He was probably filmed for about a minute or so, just standing completely still. When they filmed me, it was exactly the same really. They tried to project bits of ourselves onto us, so when they filmed me they cued up the parts of Becca and I, and when they filmed everyone else they cued up parts with them on too. It was really cold and I had to just wear my T-shirt as I had to look as I’d done the night before. The camera people fiddled about with lighting and positioning me for ages, then when they filmed me it was really short. I just had to stand completely still (which was fairly difficult, I must admit, I was trying so hard not to move!). After everyone had been filmed on their own just staring (he did ask a couple of people to do cheesy grins too) they did a few different camera angles and things. There was one of Becca and I together, one of her standing far behind me to create a shadow, and one that showed my T-shirt.

It took a good couple of hours to film everyone. Then he got us to say what we’d thought of. Will went first, who said “it seems they know me better than I know myself”. Russell did really like it and got him to do it over and over quite a few times. He sort of stepped forward towards the camera, looked up and said it, and he looked scarily like Brian in the Taste in Men video! Andrew went next, and he stood against the brick wall in a fairly wide shot, and had the bit of Brian crowd-surfing projected onto him, from what I can remember. He spoke for quite a while. It wasn’t really rehearsed; Russell stood in front of him and told him to pretend that he (Russell) was Brian Molko, and to pretend he was talking to him face-to-face. I think he wanted us to be kind of natural and enthusiastic. He asked questions as if he were Brian Molko and got us to answer them and talk about the band. Becca and I went together after Andrew, he didn’t spend as long talking to us or redoing bits so I don’t think he was overly keen to use us for that bit. I remember talking a bit about why they were good live and why they were my favourite band; I’m not really sure, a lot of it wasn’t rehearsed so I probably came across as an idiot, but I’m sure they won’t use anything if it’s terrible. We asked Russell what it would be used for and he said he wanted to put a few comments at the beginning of the video and a few at the end.

After that, Ombeline and Sam took their turns speaking to the camera a bit, and when that was all finished there wasn’t much left to do. They did one more shot of Becca, where they were setting fire to rolled up bits of paper to try and make smoke, then shaking it to make dust particles float behind her head when it was filmed. It looked pretty cool and I’m looking forward to seeing the finished effect. After it was all finished, they told us that the taxi was waiting and apparently it had been for about an hour. Hera gave us our money (woo) and we all said good bye to each other.

We said goodbye to Russell and all the other people who’d been there and then got into the taxi.

The end!

Rosie c'est elle

Et pour finir mon chti gif du jour à moi , le saut de l'ange ... ( à défaut d'avoir la noyade du canard)
Sweet Lili Femme
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Anniversaire: 10 janvier 1983
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#36 03-02-2006 13:22:21

Re: Clip Because I Want You en version intégrale.

Merci Molkoholic!!!! big_smile

Somethin’ filled up, my heart with nothin’, someone told me not to cry. But now that I’m older,my heart’s colder,
and I can see that it’s a lie.

Jolies choses.

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#37 03-02-2006 14:23:22

Re: Clip Because I Want You en version intégrale. merci!
Drapeau EVERYME Femme
Guitariste meetingienne ♫
Anniversaire: 03 août 1988
Date d'inscription: 15-06-2005
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#38 03-02-2006 14:31:06

Re: Clip Because I Want You en version intégrale.

hello tout le monde! mdrr vous avez entendu ce que Brian dit à la fin de la vidéo?

"maintenant tout le monde doit rentrer chez soi et prendre un bain chaud" mdrrr

halalala! lol      sinon la vidéo est bien smile merci pour tout big_smile

et puis je voulais juste dire que cette chanson n'est pas si nulle que ça je trouve (enfin je dis pas non plus que je l'adore) mais bon, il ne faut pas être aussi sévère... voilou

KISS @ tous


                                     ecouteurs  Piohor mornèn'  pioOoOor mornèhèn' piohor mornèn' pioO°OoOorrr !!!!  ecouteurs
                                                                     ~> <~

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evil lullaby Femme
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#39 03-02-2006 15:36:50

Re: Clip Because I Want You en version intégrale.

Enfin le clip! il est génial mis à part les lumières dans les yeux qu'on se prend à peu près toutes les 3 secondes... hmm tongue

Merci beaucoup Placebocity smile

Dernière modification par evil lullaby (03-02-2006 15:37:09)

Placebo, you're my new Achille's heel

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Drapeau finalspy Homme
Battle for the Posts
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#40 03-02-2006 16:41:29

Re: Clip Because I Want You en version intégrale.

Terrible cette experience ...  rhaaaa il me tarde d'aller a Londres !!!
sad toujours pa de news pour nous ... c'est trop stressant ...

Merci Molkoholic pour nous avoir degote cette review !smile

Love seeketh not Itself to please, or for itself hath any care,
But for another gives its ease, And builds a Heaven in Hell's despair.
Love seeketh only self to please, To bind another to Its delight,
Joys in another's loss of ease, And builds a Hell in Heaven's despite.

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Spoonky Femme
Protect me from what I post
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#41 03-02-2006 17:30:30

Re: Clip Because I Want You en version intégrale.

Mille MERCIIIIIIIIIIIIII pour le clip!!!! big_smile

Baby, Did you forget to take your meds?! Humm... Yesss!! Someone call the ambulance, there's gonna be an accident!...


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belli.flore Femme
Posting in the Details
Lieu: Le Luc
Anniversaire: 18 juillet 1981
Date d'inscription: 15-06-2005
Messages: 353

#42 03-02-2006 17:35:18

Re: Clip Because I Want You en version intégrale.

merci beaucoup molcoholic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wink

************************************************PEACE, LOVE in the world*********************************************************

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sleeping with ghosts Femme
Battle for the Posts
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#43 03-02-2006 18:02:52

Re: Clip Because I Want You en version intégrale.

le clip pase mais il est pas exceptionnelle je trouve,j'ai vu des mieux pour placebo! hmm c'est un peu simplet à mon gout,attendont les autres clips wink

aimer c'est ne plus avoir droit au soleil des autres,on a le sien

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belli.flore Femme
Posting in the Details
Lieu: Le Luc
Anniversaire: 18 juillet 1981
Date d'inscription: 15-06-2005
Messages: 353

#44 03-02-2006 18:10:49

Re: Clip Because I Want You en version intégrale.

EVERYME a écrit:

hello tout le monde! mdrr vous avez entendu ce que Brian dit à la fin de la vidéo?

"maintenant tout le monde doit rentrer chez soi et prendre un bain chaud" mdrrr

halalala! lol      sinon la vidéo est bien smile merci pour tout big_smile

et puis je voulais juste dire que cette chanson n'est pas si nulle que ça je trouve (enfin je dis pas non plus que je l'adore) mais bon, il ne faut pas être aussi sévère... voilou

KISS @ tous

tu as bien fait de le faire remarquer, j'avais pas fait gaffe. toujours à l'ouest le baba!

************************************************PEACE, LOVE in the world*********************************************************

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Drapeau Heroin
Sleeping with posts
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#45 03-02-2006 18:22:16

Re: Clip Because I Want You en version intégrale.

*Contente d'avoir su que Molko avait changé de guitare* big_smile

En tout cas, merci encore pour cette exclu ! smile

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bionic Femme
Taste in post
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Anniversaire: 20 septembre 1989
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#46 03-02-2006 18:36:07

Re: Clip Because I Want You en version intégrale.

OUAAAAAAA troooop genial ce clip!!! smile big_smileroll j'adooore! la chanson rend encore mieux en live! smile ca fait vraiment du bien! vivement de les voir!...roll ca donne envie!

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Drapeau EVERYME Femme
Guitariste meetingienne ♫
Anniversaire: 03 août 1988
Date d'inscription: 15-06-2005
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#47 03-02-2006 18:43:07

Re: Clip Because I Want You en version intégrale.

moi quand même je regrette la bonne vieille gibson.... roll

enfin bon il faut bien changer de temps en temps, et puis il ne l'a pas foutu à la poubelle non plus!! lol

aidez moi, ça lui en fait combien de guitares maintenant e:Pxactement?


                                     ecouteurs  Piohor mornèn'  pioOoOor mornèhèn' piohor mornèn' pioO°OoOorrr !!!!  ecouteurs
                                                                     ~> <~

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cat Femme
Postage Angst
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Date d'inscription: 03-02-2006
Messages: 49

#48 03-02-2006 18:48:51

Re: Clip Because I Want You en version intégrale.


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NEW SG Entre les deux ;)
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#49 03-02-2006 18:52:22

Re: Clip Because I Want You en version intégrale.

Super clip le play back est magnifique !!!!!!! hmm

Retour aux premiers amours...acoustique smile

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deatoris Entre les deux ;)
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Anniversaire: 08 octobre 1988
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#50 03-02-2006 19:11:19

Re: Clip Because I Want You en version intégrale.

Lain a écrit:

C'est pas du grand art et d'accord Je suis un peu déçue Mais au final Il est sympa à regarder quand même
L'enthousiasme des fans fait plaisir à voir Je trouve

Le slam de Brian est à se rouler par terre
On remarquera tous qu'il manque une partie de la chose
Celle où il se casse la figure  tongue

Je suis malpolie Je dis même pas Merci hmm...  Merci big_smile

d'accord avec toa tongue c'est sympa....bien que pour moi enfin je suis surement pas la seule pour affirmer que ce n'est pas le meilleur.... lol enfin val quoi !

*( Join the masquerade)*

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Drapeau Krapidoo Femme
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Anniversaire: 21 octobre 1973
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#51 03-02-2006 20:29:30

Re: Clip Because I Want You en version intégrale.

Ce clip est une vraie merde à l'image de la chanson....L'idée c'est de faire un Live alors pourquoi un play back à 2 cents? Le regard à la con dans le vide genre "regarde la superbe couleur de mes yeux!!!!"  c'est pitoyable!
A la lecture du témoignage de Rosie, franchement je suis scandilisée, ils ont vraiment été traités comme de la merde.
Profiter de leur notoriété pour exploiter une gamine de 16 ans ça ne vous fait pas bondir?
"vous savez où dormir?" tu poses pas la question, tu prends en charge l'hébergement de A à Z point barre! mad

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Taste in post
Lieu: France, Belgique, UK
Anniversaire: 17 novembre 1965
Date d'inscription: 13-01-2006
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#52 03-02-2006 20:40:09

Re: Clip Because I Want You en version intégrale.

une belle escroquerie en effet, on paye po les figurants
peut être que le sang de banquier de papa Molko lui est remonté dans les veines
rien que p  ça, n'ayez aucun scrupule à télécharger l'album !
et ne déifier pas le groupe en aucun cas !

*I'm in Alu, Mazeltov Shalom and Peace for All*

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#53 03-02-2006 20:59:13

Re: Clip Because I Want You en version intégrale.

Krapidoo a écrit:

Ce clip est une vraie merde à l'image de la chanson....L'idée c'est de faire un Live alors pourquoi un play back à 2 cents? Le regard à la con dans le vide genre "regarde la superbe couleur de mes yeux!!!!"  c'est pitoyable!
A la lecture du témoignage de Rosie, franchement je suis scandilisée, ils ont vraiment été traités comme de la merde.
Profiter de leur notoriété pour exploiter une gamine de 16 ans ça ne vous fait pas bondir?
"vous savez où dormir?" tu poses pas la question, tu prends en charge l'hébergement de A à Z point barre! mad

En effet beaucoup ne comprennent pas super bien l'anglais ici, soit . Mais même sur le forum en question, à part des "wouaaa la chance! " j'ai vu aucune reserve quant à la façon dont s'est comporté le staff... Surtout la "bitch n°1 "  neutral (cf dvd snd) ...Comme je le disais tout à l'heure, la jeune fille a beau avoir l'impression de vivre le plus grand jour de sa vie, même son récit de rêve n'arrive pas à cacher certaines choses pas très reluisantes...La façon dont ils ont été questionnés, parqués dans un coin sans rien leur dire et quand la gamine demande ce qu'il va se passer, elle a droit pour toute réponse à un "Vous n'allez pas aller en back stage pour rencontrer le groupe ou quoique ce soit" (genre : faut pas croire rêvez pas ) neutral

Et demander à des mineurs, fans au dernier degré "vous savez où dormir?" sachant que même si ils ne savent pas, ils iront peut être jusqu'à dormir dehors par -10° si on leur dit que c'est pour Placebo, c'est abusé. L'hotêl c'est pas hors de moyen pour la prod, sachant qu'ils ont eu déjà un public de fans qu'ils n'ont pas payé comme des figurants....
Et j'ai l'impression quand même qu'ils ont été traités comme du bétail : selection à la con à base de "Ca représente quoi placebo pour toi? On va demander l'avis de Brian pour être sûr d'avoir bien choisi , mais si vous jouer les groupies on vous dégage, dehors si tu prends des photos ect... A la fin tu te demerde pour prendre tes affaires, dors où tu veux et demain ramène toi à l'heure !! "   neutral
La pauvre gamine qui a dû rester toute une journée en Tshirt dans un hangar glacial en plein mois de janvier  ! Mais je comprends leur excitation et leur enthousiasme, ils sont super jeunes, ils adorent Placebo, mais que penser de l'équipe qui eux ont profité de ça ?  hmm

sleeping with ghosts Femme
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#54 03-02-2006 21:46:43

Re: Clip Because I Want You en version intégrale.

bah c'est dégueulasse tout simplement mad

aimer c'est ne plus avoir droit au soleil des autres,on a le sien

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#55 03-02-2006 21:50:41

Re: Clip Because I Want You en version intégrale.

ça prouve bien la connerie des êtres humains en fin de compte neutral
belli.flore Femme
Posting in the Details
Lieu: Le Luc
Anniversaire: 18 juillet 1981
Date d'inscription: 15-06-2005
Messages: 353

#56 03-02-2006 21:57:28

Re: Clip Because I Want You en version intégrale.

ils ont vraiment profité de leur jeunesse...c'est écoeurant!mad

************************************************PEACE, LOVE in the world*********************************************************

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Passive Attack Femme
None of you can make the grade
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#57 03-02-2006 22:09:09

Re: Clip Because I Want You en version intégrale.

D'un coté ils en profitent mais de l'autre.... a la place des figurants j'aurai meme pas fait gaffe, j'aurais dormit dehors sous la neige pour etre a leurs place...c'est personnel, mais les voir, trouner le clip, c'ets mieux que d'etre payer.... mais qu'ils profitent de ca reste tres tres nul quand meme...

Et vergeoise, ne confond pas les artistes et les gens. C'est pas parce qu'ils ont un sale comportement qu'on peut voler les gens. Johnny hallyday a beau etre con, c'est pas pour ca que tu devrais de dispenser d'acheter ses disques...sauf ton respect, je trouve ca idiot comme réaction... roll

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belli.flore Femme
Posting in the Details
Lieu: Le Luc
Anniversaire: 18 juillet 1981
Date d'inscription: 15-06-2005
Messages: 353

#58 03-02-2006 22:11:58

Re: Clip Because I Want You en version intégrale.

Passive Attack a écrit:

D'un coté ils en profitent mais de l'autre.... a la place des figurants j'aurai meme pas fait gaffe, j'aurais dormit dehors sous la neige pour etre a leurs place...c'est personnel, mais les voir, trouner le clip, c'ets mieux que d'etre payer.... mais qu'ils profitent de ca reste tres tres nul quand meme...

Et vergeoise, ne confond pas les artistes et les gens. C'est pas parce qu'ils ont un sale comportement qu'on peut voler les gens. Johnny hallyday a beau etre con, c'est pas pour ca que tu devrais de dispenser d'acheter ses disques...sauf ton respect, je trouve ca idiot comme réaction... roll

c'est ce que je voulais dire ils ont profiter de l'innocence de ces jeunes fans c'est dégueulasse : violation de la CEDH! excusez-moi, déformation professionnelle!

************************************************PEACE, LOVE in the world*********************************************************

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evil lullaby Femme
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#59 03-02-2006 23:20:03

Re: Clip Because I Want You en version intégrale.

C'est vrai que l'équipe à profiter de la naiveté et du fanatisme des fans de Placebo mais en même temps ils étaient conssentant, c'est pas comme si on les avait séquestrés en les obligeant à rester alors qu'ils mourraient de froid..... je pense qu'à leur place je serais aussi restée, j'aurais peut-être été malade pendant 15 jours après mais le fait de pouvoir approcher le groupe et être dans leur clip, c'est quand même un rêve qu'on peut réaliser qu'une fois dans sa vie

Placebo, you're my new Achille's heel

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Johanna Femme
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#60 04-02-2006 01:29:20

Re: Clip Because I Want You en version intégrale.

Oui, vis à vis du fan, c'est sûr qu'il a envie de rester pour assister à ça, mais vis à vis du staff qui sait très bien que les fans auront cette réaction là, c'est pas correct de ne pas tout faire pour qu'ils soient le plus confortablement installés possible hmm

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