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Votez pour Placebo aux MTV Europe Music Awards ! - page 2

Drapeau Hinahon Femme
Ashtray Post
Lieu: near Lyon
Anniversaire: 02 août 1987
Date d'inscription: 06-06-2009
Messages: 1269
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#31 26-09-2009 17:04:03

Re: Votez pour Placebo aux MTV Europe Music Awards !

how will you be really sure of who's voting or not? to be honest, i voted, yet i didn't posted just to say i voted so...

Sauvez un Molko, bouffez une Molkette !
¤Don't forget to be the way you are¤

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Date d'inscription: 29-05-2009
Messages: 31

#32 26-09-2009 17:52:30

Re: Votez pour Placebo aux MTV Europe Music Awards !

I can't be certain ... but i have faith in Placebo fans - and i'll only be sending things to those that post regularly to report what they're doing right up until the close of voting. I don't think anyone could be bothered to keep lying for the next month just for a few tiny freebies.

Placebo Team:  -

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Drapeau Petiver Femme
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Anniversaire: 13 décembre 1985
Date d'inscription: 03-06-2009
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#33 26-09-2009 17:58:59

Re: Votez pour Placebo aux MTV Europe Music Awards !

et hop, encore un peu pour la route  siffle

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Drapeau Hinahon Femme
Ashtray Post
Lieu: near Lyon
Anniversaire: 02 août 1987
Date d'inscription: 06-06-2009
Messages: 1269
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#34 26-09-2009 18:00:54

Re: Votez pour Placebo aux MTV Europe Music Awards !

Sarah@PlaceboTeam a écrit:

I can't be certain ... but i have faith in Placebo fans - and i'll only be sending things to those that post regularly to report what they're doing right up until the close of voting. I don't think anyone could be bothered to keep lying for the next month just for a few tiny freebies.

like i'm not so sure many will keep voting for a month, after a while, it gets boring to click.

But i can say in between my "web" work i've been voting a lot, just because i had spare time.

Sauvez un Molko, bouffez une Molkette !
¤Don't forget to be the way you are¤

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Postage Angst
Anniversaire: (Information inconnue)
Date d'inscription: 29-05-2009
Messages: 31

#35 26-09-2009 18:29:38

Re: Votez pour Placebo aux MTV Europe Music Awards !

It can get boring, but i will come back occasionally to poke you all as a reminder  tongue  And i think it's worth it for rewards -  the street team get thank you's ranging from badges and wristbands, to free tickets ... and for the happy fuzzy feeling you get knowing that you're helping the band.

Last year the EMA's received over 1 billion votes in total ... so it really is important that we all keep voting to make sure we get the band a win  happy
Edit: and i forgot to mention the site had 15 million visits a day! Even if you're not voting, thats great possible exposure for the band!

Dernière modification par Sarah@PlaceboTeam (27-09-2009 02:33:32)

Placebo Team:  -

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Drapeau Nathy Femme
Maire de Placebo City
Lieu: Closer to the shore.
Anniversaire: 27 juillet
Date d'inscription: 05-11-2005
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#36 26-09-2009 19:41:57

Re: Votez pour Placebo aux MTV Europe Music Awards !

Don't you think this way to "promote" the band is kind of insulting ? I can't really imagine that those ideas about keeping voting to get them back in the charts are coming out from the band's mind. They seemed to get a certain sense of self-esteem about themselves as a band, but from my point of view, those steps may sound like either a way to deny all their former beliefs and to appear as a band greedy for money and fame (and meanwhile they discredit all their fans by treating them like a goose that lays the golden egg), or a way to prostitute themselves to the kingdom of superficiality. The description you made from the band is kinda like "Who cares if they have the crazyiest fans, which are able to click 2.000 times in a raw on a button as long as Placebo can be number one in the charts?"
My point is that if they deserve to win, great, keep voting as you want if you think it's the right thing to do (?), but not with the aim of earning anything that you describe as a "reward".

Yeah we're proud to be their fans, but I don't think we need a sticker as a sign of gratitude (or bribery, get it as you wish) to remind us.

So, if this is really coming from the band, and if by any chance you ran into them anytime soon, please tell them that maybe they were less known in the 90's, but at least they had principles and regard for their fans. I'm still looking for those today with this approach, between ridiculousness and scorn.

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Drapeau Slow Motion Suicide Femme
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#37 26-09-2009 19:53:46

Re: Votez pour Placebo aux MTV Europe Music Awards !

Nathy je t'aime!  ^^   D'accord à 100%, rien à ajouter!

Dernière modification par Slow Motion Suicide (26-09-2009 19:59:47)

Luxemburger Queen    

Mon myspace:

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Drapeau Zoé Femme
English Posteur Rain
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Anniversaire: 03 avril 1988
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#38 26-09-2009 20:30:21

Re: Votez pour Placebo aux MTV Europe Music Awards !

Actually, I'm also agree with Nathy, and I have nothing to say more about it  plus_un

Don't cry baby it will make me sad
I'll brought you cocaine and a Penthouse pack

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Postage Angst
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Date d'inscription: 29-05-2009
Messages: 31

#39 26-09-2009 20:30:57

Re: Votez pour Placebo aux MTV Europe Music Awards !

No, i don't think its insulting to let the fans help promote the band, nor reward them for their hard work. The fans have been spreading the word of Placebo for a long time, and it's about time they got something in return. Giving away free tickets or gifts isn't bribery, its a sign of gratitude and thanks.
One of the biggest complaints i was hearing from the fans was 'we never get a thank you, we're not appreciated', so i made sure this time around any time we ask the fans to do something, they're going to get something back.

Placebo Team:  -

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Drapeau Nathy Femme
Maire de Placebo City
Lieu: Closer to the shore.
Anniversaire: 27 juillet
Date d'inscription: 05-11-2005
Messages: 12582
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#40 26-09-2009 21:00:18

Re: Votez pour Placebo aux MTV Europe Music Awards !

There are other ways to promote the band I guess... This method sounds more like a "Pleaaaaaaaaase let us be back into the chaaaaarts", no matter they deserve it or not. If they didn't have any doubt about the quality of their work (and by work I mean music of course, not any other public appearence or marketing actions), why do WE (confirmed fans) have to let  them believe they are the biggest band in the world, which would be totally untrue because we would vote as a small community to whom they don't have to prove anything because it's the kind of situation where you vote with your "heart" and with the love you feel for them, but absolutely not relatively to their -as I mentionned before- work.

Wouldn't it be greater for them knowing that people who voted for them aren't people voting more for the "name of Placebo" because they're actually fans, but that those people voted for them because they discovered in their last album something that really deserves to be voted for, more than an answer to a "please vote for us dear fans!"?

You're trying to (and it's not an attack, don't take it personally, I guess whether you have orders coming from above in your hierarchy, or you really intend to do well even if I find the way controversial) get votes from the wrong people, we sure will want to defend "our" band, but I think the best we could wish to the band would be to get more people coming and praying in their own chapel (I'm not sure it means anything in English actually, sorry if it doesn't) It's like a child you're watching growing up. There's a time the only thing you hope for him is to fly on his own wings, and stop relying on the same people all the time. They got us, now it's time to get "resistant" people, and that would be a real big step in their carrier, not only because they could reach more people's heart, but more than anything, they'll know they did it by themselves, and that their work is actually deserving it.

I'm sorry I'm such a chatterbox sometimes, I hope you don't mind...

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Drapeau Camille_ Femme
Lieu: 221B
Anniversaire: 06 septembre 1992
Date d'inscription: 20-04-2009
Messages: 1474

#41 26-09-2009 23:08:48

Re: Votez pour Placebo aux MTV Europe Music Awards !

Nathy a écrit:

Don't you think this way to "promote" the band is kind of insulting ? I can't really imagine that those ideas about keeping voting to get them back in the charts are coming out from the band's mind. They seemed to get a certain sense of self-esteem about themselves as a band, but from my point of view, those steps may sound like either a way to deny all their former beliefs and to appear as a band greedy for money and fame (and meanwhile they discredit all their fans by treating them like a goose that lays the golden egg), or a way to prostitute themselves to the kingdom of superficiality. The description you made from the band is kinda like "Who cares if they have the crazyiest fans, which are able to click 2.000 times in a raw on a button as long as Placebo can be number one in the charts?"
My point is that if they deserve to win, great, keep voting as you want if you think it's the right thing to do (?), but not with the aim of earning anything that you describe as a "reward".

Yeah we're proud to be their fans, but I don't think we need a sticker as a sign of gratitude (or bribery, get it as you wish) to remind us.

So, if this is really coming from the band, and if by any chance you ran into them anytime soon, please tell them that maybe they were less known in the 90's, but at least they had principles and regard for their fans. I'm still looking for those today with this approach, between ridiculousness and scorn.

I must admit I totally agree with you.

Two parties ending.

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Postage Angst
Anniversaire: (Information inconnue)
Date d'inscription: 29-05-2009
Messages: 31

#42 26-09-2009 23:33:17

Re: Votez pour Placebo aux MTV Europe Music Awards !

^^It's not about the band doubting the quality of their work, its marketing - that's my job, and its something every band has to do.

Put simply, every band has a certain turnover of fans. You must promote to gain new fans, not just to build a bigger fanbase, but also to replace the lost fans. If there is no promotion, there is no money, and no money = no music. Shitty, but true.

Since this album is self funded there is no label to pay for a big advertising campaign (like Muse with TV adverts), so we rely on smaller promotion, and what i feel is a bands biggest asset - the fans. We can't get the 'resistant people' i.e new fans, without the help of the existing and loyal fans.

The Street Team are happily multi-voting for Placebo to win this EMA not only because they feel like they deserve it (and since every other bands fans will multi-vote they must too) but because they understand that it is the kind of exposure that could introduce hundreds if not thousands of new people to Placebo. And this is how the band can grow.

Edit: p.s i must apologise for posting in English again, i feel like such an ignorant Brit!

Dernière modification par Sarah@PlaceboTeam (26-09-2009 23:37:44)

Placebo Team:  -

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Drapeau nalvys Homme
Postage Angst
Lieu: Fra
Anniversaire: 06 février 1987
Date d'inscription: 13-04-2007
Messages: 46

#43 27-09-2009 06:30:56

Re: Votez pour Placebo aux MTV Europe Music Awards !

A re voté !

J'ai une question à ceux qui pensent que le multi-vote est pas représentatif du groupe qui gagnera les EMA 2009.

Laisserez-vous gagner un autre groupe, alors que la plupart des gens sur ce forum aiment, a priori plus PLACEBO que les autres groupes " adverses " ? Peu importe le moyen. Je m'explique.
Selon moi, The Killers et Muse sont très connus en Europe, Placebo un peu moins, et les 2 autres moins également. Et là, c'est très personnel mais pour moi Placebo est le meilleur groupe des 5. Et ce que je supporte pas c'est que Muse et The Killers qui font de la musique plus " passe partout " soient tellement plus présents médiatiquement, tout comme on nous passe du Lily Allen toute la journée alors que des groupes comme Archive on en entend quasiment jamais parler.
On fait des promos énormes sur les choses qui se vendent, susceptibles d'être consommées et oubliées dans la foulée, alors que les petites perles sont mises de côté.

Tout ça pour dire que PLACEBO mériterait une belle promo aux EMA. Et en plus ce sont les meilleurs des 5  lol  biere

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Taste in post
Anniversaire: (Information inconnue)
Date d'inscription: 05-07-2009
Messages: 245

#44 27-09-2009 12:25:30

Re: Votez pour Placebo aux MTV Europe Music Awards !

A mon avis c'est pas faux si l'on encourage la groupe que l'on préfère si l'on a la possibilité. Et en plus: La site de MTV nous permet à voter plusieurs fois.
Cela serait super si Placebo gagnerait les EMA!

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Drapeau Drarry-girl Femme
Protect me from what I post
Lieu: Chambéry
Anniversaire: 16 mai 1991
Date d'inscription: 07-05-2009
Messages: 1741

#45 27-09-2009 13:49:11

Re: Votez pour Placebo aux MTV Europe Music Awards !

J'ai voté et revoté au moins 100 fois depuis une semaine, donc bon... Et comme j'aime beaucoup les tokio hotel, j'ai fait pareil pour eux ds la catégorie groupe tout court  big_smile
Aux derniers EMA, j'ai sauté de partout quand ils ont gagné, alors si en plus placebo pouvait remporter un prix aussi...

"Bien sûr que ça se passe dans ta tête, Harry, mais pourquoi faudrait-il en déduire que ce n'est pas réel ?" Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter 7.

"Ta vie est entrée en collision avec la mienne et tu n'as pas survécu au choc, tout simplement" Poppy Z Brite, Le corps exquis

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Drapeau Hinahon Femme
Ashtray Post
Lieu: near Lyon
Anniversaire: 02 août 1987
Date d'inscription: 06-06-2009
Messages: 1269
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#46 27-09-2009 14:23:42

Re: Votez pour Placebo aux MTV Europe Music Awards !

Your "automatic vote" tip works well big_smile thanks.
Since I'm gonna be away a lot why not use it

Sauvez un Molko, bouffez une Molkette !
¤Don't forget to be the way you are¤

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Drapeau Nathy Femme
Maire de Placebo City
Lieu: Closer to the shore.
Anniversaire: 27 juillet
Date d'inscription: 05-11-2005
Messages: 12582
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#47 27-09-2009 15:08:51

Re: Votez pour Placebo aux MTV Europe Music Awards !

Sarah@PlaceboTeam a écrit:

^^It's not about the band doubting the quality of their work, its marketing - that's my job, and its something every band has to do.

Put simply, every band has a certain turnover of fans. You must promote to gain new fans, not just to build a bigger fanbase, but also to replace the lost fans. If there is no promotion, there is no money, and no money = no music. Shitty, but true.

Since this album is self funded there is no label to pay for a big advertising campaign (like Muse with TV adverts), so we rely on smaller promotion, and what i feel is a bands biggest asset - the fans. We can't get the 'resistant people' i.e new fans, without the help of the existing and loyal fans.

The Street Team are happily multi-voting for Placebo to win this EMA not only because they feel like they deserve it (and since every other bands fans will multi-vote they must too) but because they understand that it is the kind of exposure that could introduce hundreds if not thousands of new people to Placebo. And this is how the band can grow.

Edit: p.s i must apologise for posting in English again, i feel like such an ignorant Brit!

Described this way, I totally understand what you mean. And I must admit I agree with the finality. Actually I talked about it with my brother last night to lead myself to the conclusion that if they're going this way, it certainly has a fame finality, not only by "cheating" (and no matter the fact that any fan of any band can do the same and multi-vote, to me it's still associated with cheating), but more than that, it has a promotion finality. As a self funded band since their last album, there are no longer big major to give the money for their promotion, so they have to "do with the means at hand". And if they need those kinds of "exhibition" to get new fans, alright then, let's help them as much as we can.

I always preferred to know the "real" meaning of the things people ask me to do, not to mention the fact that I can't stand feeling like I'm screwed by the real (and secret) aims of the marketing system. But as I said, described like that, with (I hope) more honesty and consideration for the fans, we can surely make our contribution so they can keep making new albums without begging for the money required for it. But next time, maybe would it be easier if you explained the real intentions (even if it's against the marketing law? transpi ), I think it could really help (better than letting us believe things like they're using us or that they don't give a damn about being a better band as long as their fans are faithful enough to keep yelling they're the best)... The idea of collaboration sounds better in my ears than the idea of exploitation and "please do it for the band, they really want to be famous".

I hope I'm understandable smile And thank you for the time you took to explain your point!

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Drapeau nalvys Homme
Postage Angst
Lieu: Fra
Anniversaire: 06 février 1987
Date d'inscription: 13-04-2007
Messages: 46

#48 27-09-2009 17:21:50

Re: Votez pour Placebo aux MTV Europe Music Awards !

Hinahon a écrit:

Your "automatic vote" tip works well big_smile thanks.
Since I'm gonna be away a lot why not use it

En espérant que chez les autres groupes ils fassent pas pareil  transpi

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Drapeau gaellemolko Femme
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#49 27-09-2009 20:03:34

Re: Votez pour Placebo aux MTV Europe Music Awards !

à voté, comme toujours =D encore et encore =)

2006 : Paléo festival, Genève.  - 2007 :  St.Gallen Openair, Montreux jazz festival.
2009 : Cologne, Rock Am Ring, Moon and stars Locarno, Paléo festival, Dijon, Paris1, Paris2, Lyon, Zürich.
2010: Annecy, M’era Luna festival, Rock Oz’Arenes, Foire aux vins de Colmar, Pukkelpop festival, Area4 festival, Zürich Openair, Brixton2.
2011-2013: Gampel, Zurich, Genève, Brixton1

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Postage Angst
Anniversaire: (Information inconnue)
Date d'inscription: 29-05-2009
Messages: 31

#50 27-09-2009 23:11:49

Re: Votez pour Placebo aux MTV Europe Music Awards !

Hinahon a écrit:

Your "automatic vote" tip works well big_smile thanks.
Since I'm gonna be away a lot why not use it

nalvys a écrit:

Hinahon a écrit:

Your "automatic vote" tip works well big_smile thanks.
Since I'm gonna be away a lot why not use it

En espérant que chez les autres groupes ils fassent pas pareil  transpi

You're welcome! It is great isn't it, voting whilst sleeping  tongue

Nathy a écrit:

Sarah@PlaceboTeam a écrit:

^^It's not about the band doubting the quality of their work, its marketing - that's my job, and its something every band has to do.

Put simply, every band has a certain turnover of fans. You must promote to gain new fans, not just to build a bigger fanbase, but also to replace the lost fans. If there is no promotion, there is no money, and no money = no music. Shitty, but true.

Since this album is self funded there is no label to pay for a big advertising campaign (like Muse with TV adverts), so we rely on smaller promotion, and what i feel is a bands biggest asset - the fans. We can't get the 'resistant people' i.e new fans, without the help of the existing and loyal fans.

The Street Team are happily multi-voting for Placebo to win this EMA not only because they feel like they deserve it (and since every other bands fans will multi-vote they must too) but because they understand that it is the kind of exposure that could introduce hundreds if not thousands of new people to Placebo. And this is how the band can grow.

Edit: p.s i must apologise for posting in English again, i feel like such an ignorant Brit!

Described this way, I totally understand what you mean. And I must admit I agree with the finality. Actually I talked about it with my brother last night to lead myself to the conclusion that if they're going this way, it certainly has a fame finality, not only by "cheating" (and no matter the fact that any fan of any band can do the same and multi-vote, to me it's still associated with cheating), but more than that, it has a promotion finality. As a self funded band since their last album, there are no longer big major to give the money for their promotion, so they have to "do with the means at hand". And if they need those kinds of "exhibition" to get new fans, alright then, let's help them as much as we can.

I always preferred to know the "real" meaning of the things people ask me to do, not to mention the fact that I can't stand feeling like I'm screwed by the real (and secret) aims of the marketing system. But as I said, described like that, with (I hope) more honesty and consideration for the fans, we can surely make our contribution so they can keep making new albums without begging for the money required for it. But next time, maybe would it be easier if you explained the real intentions (even if it's against the marketing law? transpi ), I think it could really help (better than letting us believe things like they're using us or that they don't give a damn about being a better band as long as their fans are faithful enough to keep yelling they're the best)... The idea of collaboration sounds better in my ears than the idea of exploitation and "please do it for the band, they really want to be famous".

I hope I'm understandable smile And thank you for the time you took to explain your point!

I'm glad you understand my points now, and i apologise for not explaining it fully in the first place, but i'm not really supposed to explain all the in's and outs ... and sometimes its better not to know the gritty boring stuff that goes on behind the scenes  tongue

Undoubtedly the best kind of promotion is word of mouth, but that can only go so far. I'm sure all of you have already told your friends about Placebo and tried to convert them ... but you wouldn't believe how many comments i read each day where 'casual' listeners were not even aware that there was a new album out!
That's why this kind of promotion - the EMA's - is vital. It exposes the amazing music of Placebo to countless numbers of people that might not have heard it otherwise. It's like months and months of radio airplay all wrapped up in one nice little package. Its like TV adverts without the horrendous cost. It's the FANS helping promote the band, so Placebo can do the important things like producing more music and playing more shows without the interference of restricting record labels. Its music making and promoting back to the roots. We help them, they play for us, its a win-win situation  big_smile

Placebo Team:  -

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Drapeau Hinahon Femme
Ashtray Post
Lieu: near Lyon
Anniversaire: 02 août 1987
Date d'inscription: 06-06-2009
Messages: 1269
Site web

#51 27-09-2009 23:31:25

Re: Votez pour Placebo aux MTV Europe Music Awards !

i love how i did my first 100 votes in less than an hour this morning. But then i got to vote more wink
Time for me to sleep now...
at least it will vote for me now lol

Sauvez un Molko, bouffez une Molkette !
¤Don't forget to be the way you are¤

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Drapeau nalvys Homme
Postage Angst
Lieu: Fra
Anniversaire: 06 février 1987
Date d'inscription: 13-04-2007
Messages: 46

#52 30-09-2009 00:49:52

Re: Votez pour Placebo aux MTV Europe Music Awards !

A voté   ( encore ) Allez allez les placebiens

Hors ligne

Drapeau Hinahon Femme
Ashtray Post
Lieu: near Lyon
Anniversaire: 02 août 1987
Date d'inscription: 06-06-2009
Messages: 1269
Site web

#53 30-09-2009 08:58:24

Re: Votez pour Placebo aux MTV Europe Music Awards !

nalvys a écrit:

A voté   ( encore ) Allez allez les placebiens

t'inqiète pas mon pc tourne toutes les nuits avec le vote auto wink

Sauvez un Molko, bouffez une Molkette !
¤Don't forget to be the way you are¤

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Drapeau Drarry-girl Femme
Protect me from what I post
Lieu: Chambéry
Anniversaire: 16 mai 1991
Date d'inscription: 07-05-2009
Messages: 1741

#54 01-10-2009 13:31:44

Re: Votez pour Placebo aux MTV Europe Music Awards !

Hinahon a écrit:

nalvys a écrit:

A voté   ( encore ) Allez allez les placebiens

t'inqiète pas mon pc tourne toutes les nuits avec le vote auto wink

T'es la meilleure  biere Moi aussi, je vote compulsivement. Ils vont gagner, c'est sûr !

"Bien sûr que ça se passe dans ta tête, Harry, mais pourquoi faudrait-il en déduire que ce n'est pas réel ?" Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter 7.

"Ta vie est entrée en collision avec la mienne et tu n'as pas survécu au choc, tout simplement" Poppy Z Brite, Le corps exquis

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Drapeau Hinahon Femme
Ashtray Post
Lieu: near Lyon
Anniversaire: 02 août 1987
Date d'inscription: 06-06-2009
Messages: 1269
Site web

#55 01-10-2009 13:43:08

Re: Votez pour Placebo aux MTV Europe Music Awards !

Drarry-girl a écrit:

Hinahon a écrit:

nalvys a écrit:

A voté   ( encore ) Allez allez les placebiens

t'inqiète pas mon pc tourne toutes les nuits avec le vote auto wink

T'es la meilleure  biere Moi aussi, je vote compulsivement. Ils vont gagner, c'est sûr !

le seul truc c'est que faudrait que j'éloigne mon pc de mon lit... même à luminosité mini la lumière me gène pour dormir ! XD
Qu'est ce qu'il faut pas faire pour eux quand même lol

Sauvez un Molko, bouffez une Molkette !
¤Don't forget to be the way you are¤

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Drapeau withoutyou Femme
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Anniversaire: 10 novembre
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#56 01-10-2009 13:57:27

Re: Votez pour Placebo aux MTV Europe Music Awards !

Hinahon a écrit:

Drarry-girl a écrit:

Hinahon a écrit:

t'inqiète pas mon pc tourne toutes les nuits avec le vote auto wink

T'es la meilleure  biere Moi aussi, je vote compulsivement. Ils vont gagner, c'est sûr !

le seul truc c'est que faudrait que j'éloigne mon pc de mon lit... même à luminosité mini la lumière me gène pour dormir ! XD
Qu'est ce qu'il faut pas faire pour eux quand même lol


Cela dit je le fais aussi, tant pis pour Muse ninja ^^


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Taste in post
Anniversaire: (Information inconnue)
Date d'inscription: 05-07-2009
Messages: 245

#57 03-10-2009 16:48:47

Re: Votez pour Placebo aux MTV Europe Music Awards !

Quelqu'un vote encore pour Placebo?
Je serais contente si Placebo gagnerait, car ils le méritent!  ok

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Drapeau Hinahon Femme
Ashtray Post
Lieu: near Lyon
Anniversaire: 02 août 1987
Date d'inscription: 06-06-2009
Messages: 1269
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#58 03-10-2009 18:07:55

Re: Votez pour Placebo aux MTV Europe Music Awards !

Luzie a écrit:

Quelqu'un vote encore pour Placebo?
Je serais contente si Placebo gagnerait, car ils le méritent!  ok

oui oui, je continue quand je peux le jour et ça tourne à fond sans arrêt la nuit ^^

Sauvez un Molko, bouffez une Molkette !
¤Don't forget to be the way you are¤

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Drapeau Drarry-girl Femme
Protect me from what I post
Lieu: Chambéry
Anniversaire: 16 mai 1991
Date d'inscription: 07-05-2009
Messages: 1741

#59 03-10-2009 20:09:21

Re: Votez pour Placebo aux MTV Europe Music Awards !

Luzie a écrit:

Quelqu'un vote encore pour Placebo?
Je serais contente si Placebo gagnerait, car ils le méritent!  ok

Et comment, qu'on vote toujours ! Cette victoire, c'est un cadeau qu'on va leur faire ! Et ils te devront une fière chandelle, Hinahon  copain
Les placébiens, ne relachez pas vos efforts (avec un peu de chance, le brinou gagnera et nous pondra un discours en allemand, alors on revote, hop hop hop  fouet )

"Bien sûr que ça se passe dans ta tête, Harry, mais pourquoi faudrait-il en déduire que ce n'est pas réel ?" Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter 7.

"Ta vie est entrée en collision avec la mienne et tu n'as pas survécu au choc, tout simplement" Poppy Z Brite, Le corps exquis

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Drapeau Hinahon Femme
Ashtray Post
Lieu: near Lyon
Anniversaire: 02 août 1987
Date d'inscription: 06-06-2009
Messages: 1269
Site web

#60 04-10-2009 00:05:26

Re: Votez pour Placebo aux MTV Europe Music Awards !

Drarry-girl a écrit:

Luzie a écrit:

Quelqu'un vote encore pour Placebo?
Je serais contente si Placebo gagnerait, car ils le méritent!  ok

Et comment, qu'on vote toujours ! Cette victoire, c'est un cadeau qu'on va leur faire ! Et ils te devront une fière chandelle, Hinahon  copain
Les placébiens, ne relachez pas vos efforts (avec un peu de chance, le brinou gagnera et nous pondra un discours en allemand, alors on revote, hop hop hop  fouet )

Brian s'exprimant dans la langue la moins sexy au monde mon rêve ! lol

Sauvez un Molko, bouffez une Molkette !
¤Don't forget to be the way you are¤

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